GIM Small Grants Program

Anschutz medical campusThe Division of General Internal Medicine's Small Grants Program is an internally funded program that is designed to provide a source of funding for faculty who have primary appointments in GIM.


  1. Provide funding for initial research projects which lead to an ongoing area of investigation and provide the basis for acquisition of additional research funding.
  2. Provide education about all components of the research process. Funding is especially targeted towards junior faculty to provide start-up funding but proposals from more senior faculty will also be considered.
  1. The applicant will prepare the proposal with the guidance of the research mentor and other advisors (in the case of a junior faculty applicant). 
  2. The usual time period for projects will be 12 months. Permission must be obtained to extend the grant period.
  3. The proposal will be reviewed by the GIM Research Committee in a peer review process. The Committee will provide specific suggestions to the investigator, for both funded and unfunded proposals. 



  1. Faculty must have a regular or affiliate primary appointment in GIM. 
  2. Appointment as a full-time faculty member (this does not preclude applications from faculty working less than 1.0 total FTE, T32 Fellows are NOT eligible).
  3. Possession of a doctoral degree (M.D. or Ph.D.)
  4. Collaborative projects among junior investigators and/or across different sites (UH, VA, DG, P/SL) in the Division of GIM.

Grant Requirements 

  1. Grant proposal must be a research or rigorous evaluation project (scholarship of discovery) 
  2. Faculty NOT awarded in the last two years will be given precedence. 
  3. Projects and investigators must have a likelihood of leading to extramural funding. 
  4. A mentor is required for junior faculty (Instructors or Assistant Professors) and a mentoring plan must be included for junior faculty. 
  5. Project must be of appropriate scope for one year of funding. 
  6. Investigators whose research is funded under this program will be expected to provide a 6 month progress report and a final report 2 months after completion of the project (typically 14 months after funding). Final Reports should be sent to Lisa Schilling, MD, MPSH, and Alyssa Haberle, MBA in one combined PDF. 
  7. Present the findings of their research at appropriate forums, including Divisional research meetings or conferences and the regional and/or national meetings of the Society for General Internal Medicine. 
  8. Must acknowledge the funding source on all presentations and publications. 
  9. Priority will be given to those grants which clearly show how the recipient plans to go to the next step of his/her research endeavor using the funds. 


  1. We plan to offer 2 grants of up to $22,500 each. 
  2. No more than 12 months of research will generally be funded.
  3. Allowable costs include research assistant costs; costs of data collection, entry and analysis; and essential supplies.
  4. Costs not allowable without special justification include investigator salaries, most equipment (including computer hardware or software), travel, cost of reprints, books, journals, basic office supplies.

Standard NIH Formatting applies

Size 11 font or larger

½ inch margins


  • Arial
  • Georgia
  • Helvetica
  • Palatino Linotype

  1. 5 pages maximum, excluding references, NIH biosketch (new format), mentoring plan, budget and budget justification. 
  2. A letter of support from the Primary Mentor must be included in the case of an Instructor or Assistant Professor. 
  3. Must include typical grant elements of background, hypothesis, specific aims, methods and analysis plan. 
  4. NIH biosketch must be on the current NIH form and in the correct format. 
  5. A statement of the mentoring plan must be included for all junior faculty (Instructors and Assistant Professor) applicants. 
  6. Line-item budget and budget justification must be included. 



The Division has allotted up to $5,000 for 2 of these grants (individual  budget requests up to $2,500 are allowed). 

To apply for one of these grants, a letter outlining the purpose, methods and costs is requested. 

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