FIT for Life


What is colorectal cancer?

According to the American Cancer Society, colorectal cancer is the third most common type of cancer diagnosed, and second most common cause of cancer death in the United States.1 This year alone, over 1,900 Coloradans will be diagnosed with colorectal cancer and sadly, 680 will lose their lives to this disease. But there’s some good news: there are several screening options available to catch colorectal cancer early, when it is more treatable. These tests can detect blood or abnormal cells in the stool, and procedures like colonoscopies can even prevent cancer by finding and removing polyps, which can turn into cancer over time.

Learn more about colorectal cancer and screening here.


What is a FIT kit and why is it useful?

A FIT kit, short for Fecal Immunochemical Test, detects hidden blood in the stool, a possible indicator of cancer or precancerous conditions. You don’t need any special diet or preparation for this test. It’s non-invasive, private, and it can detect potential issues early when they’re most treatable. Early detection is key, and with a FIT kit, it’s easier than ever. Read more about the differences between colonoscopies and stool-based tests on the University of Cancer Center blog.

What is the Free FIT kit project?

COE is distributing free FIT kits at community health fairs and events statewide. Teaming up with community partners, we’re also providing education on colorectal cancer risk and prevention while handing out FITs to those eligible individuals. You can read more about the project on the CU Cancer Center blog.

Who is eligible to get a free FIT kit through COE?

Free FIT kits are available for people who meet all of the following criteria:

  • Between the ages of 45 – 75
  • Have NOT had a FIT test or Cologuard test in the past year or colonoscopy in the past 10 years
  • Under or uninsured

How does it work?

Simply complete the test at home and mail it to the lab for processing. Participants may be able to access their results online and will also be contacted by a COE patient navigator to discuss their results.

If the FIT test is positive…

Participants who get a positive result will be contacted by a COE staff member and will receive a letter via Certified Mail from our office. A positive FIT test does not necessarily mean cancer, but it does mean a colonoscopy is the recommended next step. If the result is positive, a COE staff member can help you with this step. Our navigators can help individuals who receive a free FIT kit who get a positive test result to schedule a colonoscopy.

If the FIT test is negative…

A COE staff member will call participants who receive a negative result, and ensure the participant understands the result, answering any questions they may have.

What is the cost?

We are offering these FIT kits for free to eligible people.

COE has also received funds from the Colon Cancer Coalition and the Colon Cancer Alliance to help pay for colonoscopies for eligible people that have a positive FIT test.

How do I sign up?

Eligible individuals can receive a free FIT kit by attending an upcoming community event we’re a part of. You can also fill out our online FIT Kit Request Form.

Order your kit now


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