Investigator-Initiated Trials at the CU Cancer Center
If new and improved cancer therapies and treatments are the light at the end of the tunnel, clinical trials are the vehicles to get there. Clinical trials move research forward and help improve the quality of treatments available to patients. While many trials are initiated by sponsors, such as pharmaceutical companies, other clinical trials start in a research site, such as the University of Colorado Cancer Center. When a researcher has an idea for a study they would like to manage, they may start what is called an investigator-initiated trial (IIT) or investigator-initiated study (IIS).
What is an Investigator-Initiated Trial?
Investigator-initiated trials are “homegrown” ideas from researchers and investigators who are active in lab and clinical settings. The sponsor investigator of the trial is not only sponsoring the study, but also conducting it. This means that they will be in charge of creating, coordinating, and carrying out the IIT. This may be done alone or with a team supporting the sponsor investigator.