Head and Neck Cancer Hero

Colorado Head and Neck Cancer SPORE

The main goal of the Colorado Head and Neck Cancer Specialized Programs of Research Excellence (SPORE) is to advance translational research to improve survival and quality of life for Head and Neck Cancer patients. The Colorado Head and Neck Cancer SPORE takes advantage of our expertise in basic and clinical sciences and uses unique model systems to identify novel molecular and cellular mechanisms of Colorado Head and Neck Cancer pathogenesis targetable by therapeutic interventions to treat all cancer types arising from head and neck anatomic sites.

The Developmental Research Program is designed to attract current Head and Neck Cancer researchers and researchers from other fields to conduct innovative research in all types of cancers arising from head and neck tissues. The Career Enhancement Program is designed to solicit junior researchers to develop research projects to transition into independent Head and Neck Cancer researchers. We encourage underrepresented minority (URM) and people with disabilities to apply for DRP and CEP projects. The Colorado Head and Neck Cancer SPORE also includes Biospecimen/Pathology, Data Science, and Administrative Cores to provide support. 


Biospecimen/Pathology Core

Scott Lucia, MD 100 x 150

Core Director

Scott Lucia, MD

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Adrie van Bokhoven, PhD 100 x 150

Core Director

Adrie van Bokhoven, PhD

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The Biospecimen/Pathology Core (BPC) is essential to the success of the Colorado Head and Neck Cancer SPORE. The BPC is a central service that obtains tissues and information from patients with head and neck cancer. The collected tissue and information is stored and processed so that researchers have the best possible materials and information for their projects. In addition, the BPC provides unique skills and expertise in pathology and analysis technology to be successful in the execution of their projects.

Career Enhancement Program

Daniel Bowles, MD 100 x 150

Clinical Science Leader

Daniel Bowles, MD
Medical Oncology

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Raphael Nemenoff, PhD 100 x 150

Basic Science Leader

Raphael Nemenoff, PhD
Renal Med-Diseases/Hypertension

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The Career Enhancement Program (CEP) will encourage promising candidates at the University of Colorado Cancer Center to pursue translational research careers in head and neck cancer (HNC). The CEP will provide these investigators with financial support, mentorship for scientific projects and career development, and opportunities for collaboration. The long-term goal is to foster these individuals into successful independent research careers and to incorporate them and their new ideas/projects into the Colorado HNC SPORE.

2024 CEP awardees:

Dr. Carissa Thomas

Department of Otolaryngology, UC AMC

“Development of the METS risk stratification tool in oral squamous cell carcinoma”


Dr. Shiruyeh Schokrpur

Division of Hematology/Oncology, UC Davis

“Interrogating the role of CD101 as a novel immune checkpoint in head and neck cancer”


We would like to thank all the applicants for their hard work. A new RFA will be sent out in early 2025.


Applications for 2025 are due July 15, 2025 by 5pm.

RFA: Funding for Head and Neck Cancer Career Enhancement Program

The Colorado Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) SPORE will fund 2-3 applications for Career Enhancement Projects (CEP) in HNC Research. One application from UCDavis will be selected for funding through the UCDCCC matching fund.

Eligibility: junior faculty members at the UCCC and the UCDCCC or advanced post-doctoral/clinical fellows who provide a letter from an institution stating the candidate will be joining its faculty within the next year are eligible for this program. Eligible candidates have not had NIH R-level funding. Candidates should have a track or planned track of research in HNC defined as head and neck squamous cell cancers (of mucosal origin), thyroid cancer and salivary gland cancer.

Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply; we will specifically aim to fund at least one application from an underrepresented minority (including underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, and individuals living with disabilities) applicant.

The application will be a maximum of three pages excluding cover page, biosketches, budget, bibliography, and letters of support.

Applications will consist of:

  1. completed cover sheet;
  2. applicant’s rationale for the application;
  3. applicant’s research background;
  4. aims of the career development plan;
  5. significance, innovation, scientific rigor and research approach, and how it is translational;
  6. how the project will enhance the applicant’s career success and identification of peer-reviewed funding mechanism that support a larger scale project;
  7. the applicant’s commitment to a career in translational HNC research and the career path they foresee;
  8. mentoring plan;
  9. proposed budget; $50,000 for one year; funds should be used to support research activities, including partial salary support for the candidate, research personnel, and supplies;
  10. biosketches of applicant and mentor(s) and
  11. two letters of support, one from their division or department leader clearly stating the specific details of the commitment to the applicant.

The deadline is July 15, 2025 by 5 pm.

Questions, please contact Pamela.Garl@cuanschutz.edu.

Data Science Core

Dexiang Gao, PhD

Core Director

Dexiang Gao, PhD

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The University of Colorado Head and Neck Cancer (CO HNC) SPORE Data Science Core (DSC) provides services for biostatistics, informatics, bioinformatics, and other data science related analyses. The core includes a comprehensive team of biostatisticians, bioinformaticians, and an epidemiologist, that form a hub of researchers with the common denominator of being engaged in HNC research through existing collaborations. The DSC will provide assistance with research hypotheses formulation, clinical trial designs, sample size determination, analytical and database design, data collection, analyses, management and storage. This support will continue through management and coordination of accumulating research and clinical data analyses, assistance with manuscript preparation and clinical trial reports in relation to key quantitative findings and rigorous scientific conclusions. 

Developmental Research Program

Bryan Haugen, MD 100 x 150

Clinical Science Leader

Bryan Haugen, MD

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Mary Reyland, PhD 100 x 150

Basic Science Leader

Mary Reyland, PhD
School of Dental Medicine/Hypertension

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The premise of the Developmental Research Program within the Colorado HNC SPORE application is that innovative, high-risk research from existing head and neck cancer researchers, and an influx of research from investigators with expertise outside of, but that can be applied to head and neck cancer, will catalyze significant advances in the understanding and treatment of HNC.   

2024 DRP awardees: 


Drs. Rebecca Schweppe, Bryan Haugen, and Jennifer Richer

Department of Medicine, Division of Endocrinology, and Department of Pathology, UC AMC

“Investigation of sex differences in thyroid cancer progression and targeting androgen receptors in BRAF inhibitor resistant disease”

Dr. Andrew Birkeland

Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, UC Davis

“Investigating sociodemographic variables and liquid biomarkers associated with outcomes in underserved California communities”

Dr. Xinbin Chen

Surgical and Radiological Sciences, UC Davis

“Exploring the Therapeutic Potential of Copper Ionophores for the Treatment of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinomas via Targeting DNp63”

Dr. Carlito Lebrilla

Department of Chemistry and Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine, UC Davis

“Glycan Alterations of the Cell Membrane in Squamous Cell Carcinoma Metastasis”


We would like to thank all the applicants for their hard work. A new RFA will be sent out in early 2025.



RFA: Funding for HNC SPORE Developmental Research Projects

The Colorado Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) SPORE will fund 2-3 applications for Developmental Research Projects in Head and Neck Cancer Research. One application from UCDavis will be selected for funding through the UCDCCC matching fund.

To be considered for Developmental Research Project (DRP) funding:

  • DRP projects should be relevant to HNC research and contribute to the prevention, diagnosis, or therapeutics of HNC, defined as head and neck squamous cell cancer (of mucosal origin), thyroid cancer and salivary gland cancer.
  • DRP projects have the potential to become a new or replacement Colorado HNC SPORE project, or to develop into independent R01 level or equivalent (Department of Defense, American Cancer Society, Veteran Affair Merit Award) applications, or
  • DRP projects represent a major technology breakthrough or create novel models/tools, interventions for prevention, early detection and/or therapeutics, populational science/disparity research, which have the potential to develop into R level (R01) or equivalent (as defined above) applications. Examples of research topics include but not limited to microbial-based theranotics, impact of cancer metabolism in immunotherapy, preventive and treatment cancer vaccine, DNA damage-targeted therapy in combination with immunotherapy, etc. Projects with translational endpoint, i.e., relevant to human patients, are strongly encouraged.
  • At least one DRP application will be prioritized for funding that focuses on diversity, equity and inclusion in HNC research including, but is not limited to strategies to enhance access to HNC care and clinical trials, disparities research, or a focus on representative laboratory models and basic research applicable to this area of clinical needs.
  • Projects must be feasible within the study period and are expected to generate enough preliminary data to support an R01 level application. Applicants must identify an existing NIH mechanism to which the PI intends to apply.

Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply. Multi-PIs with translational team of basic science and clinical science are desirable.

The application will be a maximum of six pages excluding cover page, biosketches, budget, bibliography, and letters of support. It should be formatted following NIH specifications (11 pt. Arial font, 0.5 margins etc).  

Applications will consist of:

  1. completed cover sheet;
  2. Translational Research Statement;
  3. Specific Aims;
  4. Research plan including Background, Significance, and Innovation, Preliminary Studies, Scientific Rigor, Experimental Design and Methods;
  5. Bibliography;
  6. Description of inter-/intra-institutional collaborations (highlighting new collaborations and new researchers to this field);
  7. Description of how the project will lead to future R01 funding and how it fits within or extends the work of the SPORE;
  8. Budget justification for up to $50,000 direct costs including personnel, supplies, equipment and other expenses (no project leader salary);
  9. Biographical sketch and other supporting documentation for the principal investigator(s) in NIH format.

The deadline is July 15, 2025 by 5 pm.

Questions, please contact Pamela.Garl@cuanschutz.edu.

Administrative Core

Antonio Jimeno, MD, PhD 100 x 150


Antonio Jimeno, MD, PhD
Medical Oncology

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Xiao-Jing Wang, MD, PhD 100 x 150


Xiao-Jing Wang, MD, PhD

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Pamela Garl, MS, MBA

SPORE Administrator

Pamela Garl, MS, MBA
CU Cancer Center




The goal of the Administrative Core of the Colorado Head and Neck Cancer (HNC) SPORE is to facilitate innovative translational science that will accelerate the application of new discoveries to the clinic for HNC patients. The primary objective of the Administrative Core is to provide scientific leadership, administrative services and financial oversight, and to function as a communication hub for all SPORE-related activities. The Administrative Core will support investigators and personnel in projects 1-3, the Biospecimen/Pathology Core, the Developmental Research Program (DRP), the Career Enhancement Program (CEP), and the Tissue Use Committee.

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