D2V Leadership

Thanks to the CCTSI Colorado Profiles site, you can click on faculty names below to learn more about them, their research, publications, etc.

Michael Ho, MD, PhD​MIkeHeadshot

D2V Executive Leadership

Professor of Medicine, University of Colorado School of Medicine

Co-Director of the Center for Innovation t Denver and Seattle VA Medical Centers





Jean Kutner, MD, MSPH JeanHeadshot

D2V Executive Leadership

Professor of Medicine and Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs,

University of Colorado School of Medicine and Chief Medical Officer, University of Colorado Hospital




Lisa Schilling, MD, MSPSchilling-300

D2V Executive Leadership

Professor of Medicine

Medical Director of the Office of Value-Based Performance

Dr. Schiling is a board-certified in Internal Medicine and a practicing general internist with the University of Colorado. She received her BS with Honors from Brown University in 1984 and graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine in 1990.  She completed her internship and residency at The University of Chicago and was a faculty member at there from 1993 to 1997. In 1997 she joined the University of Colorado's Department of Medicine where she is currently a Professor.

Contact: Email | 303.724.2254


Catherine Battaglia, PhD, RNCathy battaglia

D2V Training and Education Core

Dr. Battaglia is an Assistant Professor with the University of Colorado School of Public Health and Faculty/Program Administrator for the LEADS Program in the School of Medicine. Dr. Battaglia is Director of the Health Services Research PhD Program and a Nurse Researcher at the Denver Veteran's Administration for the Colorado Research to Improve Care Coordination Program. She received her PhD in Clinical Sciences/Health Services Research from the University of Denver.


Contact: Email | 303.724.6387


R. Mark Gritz, PhD

D2V Patient & System Value Core Lead

ACCORDS Director of Operations 


Associate Professor, University of Colorado School of Medicine​

Head - Division of Health Care Policy and Research

Director of Operations - Farley Health Policy Center

R. Mark Gritz, PhD, is Director of Operations for ACCORDS, an Associate Professor and Head of the Division of Health Care Policy and Research, and the Director of Operations at the Farley Health Policy Center. He received his PhD in Economics from Stanford University and has over 30 years of experience in directing and managing demonstrations, evaluations, research, and technical assistance projects designed to improve economic, health, and other outcomes affecting the well-being of economically-disadvantaged and other vulnerable populations. Many of these projects have involved youth, women from low-income families, veterans, elderly, and other targeted populations, including several research and evaluation efforts examining the needs and experiences of low-income youth, unemployed workers, working single mothers, socio-economically disadvantaged populations, and disabled veterans. Before returning to Colorado he held several corporate management positions where he directed over 100 scientific and technical staff, had responsibility for the financial performance of international business units, and managed intellectual property portfolios. His current work focuses on healthcare value and its association with socio-economics factors with an eye towards rapidly responding to research and policy analysis needs of government agencies in Colorado.


Contact: Email​ | 303.724.8359



Lawrence Hunter, PhD Larry Hunter

D2V Training and Education Care

Dr. Hunter is the Director of the University of Colorado's Computational Bioscience Program and a Professor of Pharmacology (School of Medicine) and Computer Science (Boulder). He received a Ph.D. in computer science from Yale University in 1989, and then joined the National Institutes of Health as a staff scientist, first at the National Library of Medicine and then at the National Cancer Institute, before coming to Colorado in 2000.  

Dr. Hunter is widely recognized as one of the founders of bioinformatics; he served as the first President of the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) and created several of the most important conferences in the field, including ISMB, PSB and VizBi . Dr. Hunter's research interests span a wide range of areas, from cognitive science to rational drug design. He has published more than 100 scientific papers, holds two patents, and has been elected a fellow of both the ISCB and the American College of Medical Informatics. 

Contact: Email​| 303.724.3574


​Matthew Wynia, MD, MPH WyniaMatthew_MD

D2V Stakeholder Engagement Core

Dr. Wynia’s career has included developing a research institute and training programs focusing on bioethics, professionalism and policy issues (the AMA Institute for Ethics) and founding the AMA’s Center for Patient Safety.  His research has focused on novel uses of survey data to inform and improve the practical management of ethical issues in health care and public policy.  He has led projects on a wide variety of topics related to ethics and professionalism, including understanding and measuring the ethical climate of health care organizations and systems; ethics and quality improvement; communication, team-based care and engaging patients as members of the team; defining physician professionalism; public health and disaster ethics; medicine and the Holocaust (with the US Holocaust Memorial Museum); and inequities in health and health care. He has served on committees, expert panels and as a reviewer for the Institute of Medicine, The Joint Commission, the Hastings Center, the American Board of Medical Specialties, federal agencies, and other organizations.

Contact: Email​


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