ACCORDS Director
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT, CFLE Visiting Professor, Department of Family MedicineAssociate Director, Child Outcomes Research, CHRE
Director, Healthy Eating and Activity across the Lifespan (HEAL) Lab
The “Adult and Child Center for Outcomes Research and Delivery Science” or ACCORDS was established as a new Consortium in 2014, joining and expanding two programs that had been highly collaborative for the previous ten years, the Colorado Health Outcomes Program (COHO founded in 1998) and the Children’s Outcomes Research Program (COR founded in 2002). Both Programs had grown enormously in recent years as funding sources had evolved to favor health services, comparative effectiveness, patient-centered outcomes, and dissemination/implementation (D/I) research, the areas of research focus for both Programs.
ACCORDS focuses on the entire life spectrum as well as on “delivery science,” encompassing comparative effectiveness, patient-centered outcomes, and implementation and dissemination research. Infrastructure support is provided jointly from the Children’s Hospital Colorado (CHC) and the Dean’s Office, School of Medicine (SOM).
ACCORDS functions as both an actual and virtual consortium, with a group of investigators from multiple disciplines who have their primary office on-site and a much larger group affiliating with ACCORDS personnel, programs, and cores while maintaining an off-site research home. Currently, has an administrative team of 15, (administration, finance, grants management, human resources, IT, and communications), 45 research service professionals, 15 biostatisticians/analysts, and 10 qualitative faculty/analysts. Almost two hundred investigators interface with the program, primarily for consultation or collaboration, to participate in training fellowships or to attend educational offerings and approximately 100 grant proposals are submitted annually. Collaborating investigators represent all School of Medicine departments, as well as the School of Public Health, the School of Pharmacy and the School of Nursing. The Consortium serves as an incubator for research ideas, fosters interdisciplinary collaboration, as well as the development of focused areas of research of national prominence.
The mission of ACCORDS is to improve health, both locally and nationally, by supporting state-of-the-art outcomes and community translational research to guide clinical practice and policy.
Research at ACCORDS focuses on health outcomes or health services research as well as “delivery science” encompassing comparative effectiveness, patient-centered outcomes and implementation and dissemination research across the entire life spectrum.
ACCORDS research incorporates NIH categories of T3-T4:
ACCORDS Director
Jerica Berge, PhD, MPH, LMFT, CFLE Visiting Professor, Department of Family Medicine