1. Authorship and manuscripts - Any biostatistician or analyst conducting analysis or otherwise making a significant contribution will:
2. Guidelines for order of listed authors - The order in which our biostatistician is listed as author depends on the extent of contribution:
First author: The biostatistician plays a major role in project development or hypothesis generation, (when existing data) substantially changes direction of the hypothesis and corresponding analysis, provides a unique contribution, conducts analysis and writes a large portion of your paper.
Second author: The biostatistician plays a major role in project development, offers statistical expertise needed for your research, or conducts substantial and/or complex analysis of data. This is a typical position for a biostatistician involved in the life cycle of a project or who has unique analytic expertise (e.g., mediation analysis, microbiome or genomics).
Middle-listed author: The biostatistician does not necessarily collaborate in the design of the study, but conducts data analysis, writes the statistical methods section and assists in interpreting results for conclusion.
Senior author: The biostatistician provides significant mentoring to the first author, offering guidance for the first author to conduct analysis, or plays a major role in helping the first author design the study. There generally has been substantial one-on-one meeting time as well as additional analysis and paper writing support beyond a typical collaborative role.
3. Junior or student biostatisticians - If the biostatistician was mentored by a senior statistician, the senior statistician immediately follows the junior statistician within the authorship line (e.g., if the junior statistician is the second author,
the mentoring statistician would generally be listed as the third author).
The manuscript or presentation should cite any grants or other support related to the project, including
the Colorado Clinical & Translational Sciences Institute and the REDCap project, if applicable. The following citation should be used: "Supported by NIH/NCATS Colorado CTSA Grant Number UL1 TR002535. Contents are the authors' sole responsibility
and do not necessarily represent official NIH views.
ACCORDS Analytical Support Timelines
Guidelines for Estimating Biostatistician Effort and Resources on Grants