Biostatistics & Analytics Core

Directed by Kathryn Colborn, PhD, MSPH

The Biostatistics and Analytics Core provides collaborative support to ACCORDS investigators in all areas of health services and outcomes research, including grant development, study design, database development and management, and statistical analysis. Made up of both Doctoral and Master’s level biostatisticians, epidemiologists, and data analysts, our areas of expertise include pragmatic trial design (e.g., cluster randomized trials, stepped-wedge, multi-level modeling), longitudinal data analysis, missing data, repeated events modeling, time-to-event analysis, predictive modeling, database design, machine learning, and SAS and R programming. For non-ACCORDS collaborators, free study design or analysis consultation may be available from our PhD biostatisticians. Direct FTE support is required for long-term collaborations and analysis by our analysts. 

Currently our team is made up of 2 PhD biostatisticians and 13 mostly Master's trained analysts. Learn more on our Who We Are page.

Goals & Objectives

  • To provide excellence in quantitative methods for health services and outcomes research 
  • To develop new and innovative analytic methods through participation in collaborative, interdisciplinary research, especially as they pertain to health outcomes and implementation research 
  • To help researchers in the application of appropriate statistical methods, using existing statistical methods in innovative ways, and developing new methods, when needed 
  • To maintain and further enhance strong mentoring programs for the training of clinical researchers who can conduct research in clinical translational and outcomes research

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CU Anschutz

Anschutz Health Sciences Building

1890 N Revere Ct

Third floor

Aurora, CO 80045


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