Developing Practice Stories

Practice Stories vs. Exemplar Stories: How to Develop

All practices can benefit from the dialogue created to help them understand how the systems and processes they have put in place can bring value to payers, ACO’s, narrow networks, referral networks, and of course, patients and families.

There are two types of stories – Practice Stories and Exemplar Practice Stories. Not all practices will have all of the elements identified to meet the exemplar criteria below. For those practices, we encourage completion of their Practice Story with the data available and to strengthen their story over time. More in-depth development guidance is included in the Checklist under Resources.

Exemplar practices are in Phase 4, Phase 5, have completed Phase 5 or have completed 85% of their total possible Practice Assessment (PAT) score. In addition, they must have demonstrated improvement in clinical outcomes, have pre & post-data demonstrating reductions in cost and utilization, and have implemented 2 out of the 6 patient and family engagement metrics. With the practice’s permission, exemplar practices will be recognized and submitted to the national TCPi program’s exemplar practice registry.

ParameterPractice StoryCandidates for Exemplar Practice Story
EligibilityAll practicesPractice meets “exemplary practice” definition
ApproachConversation with or without Value CanvasConversation with or without Value Canvas
ContentAnything the practice wants to include; data will make their story more compelling and credible. Story stands on its own without the template. Use the Practice Story Guidance form to help you!Should include quality metrics, cost and utilization metrics and examples of PFE and impact for each. Data should be provided for any claims of excellence, citing comparison to benchmarks where they exist. Story stands on its own without the template. Use the Practice Story Guidance form to help you!
Length1 – 2 pages1 – 2 pages
Faculty AssistanceWe are happy to read and comment on your practice stories!  Your practice may not have all the information suggested.We are happy to read and comment on your practice stories! Exemplar from a transformation perspective does not always = Exemplar Practice.  Our feedback will help practices see what is missing.
Submission to EgnyteInsert the final story into the text box on the template.  Attestation by PF and CHITA.Insert the final story into the text box on the template. Attestation by PF and CHITA.
Faculty ReviewNAFor practices that meet our exemplary practice definition AND also have complete content, the faculty will evaluate against criteria for the Exemplar Registry.
RevisionsThis story belongs to the practice and should be revised by the practice as evidence-based strengths are developed.This story belongs to the practice and should be revised by the practice as evidence-based strengths are developed.  We will post stories that meet CMMI criteria for the registry once before the end of TCPi.


Resources to Develop Your Practice/Exemplar Story

Exemplar Practice Stories

Practice Innovation Program

CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue

Aurora, CO 80045

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