Publications and Presentations
Scholarly Agenda
To advance holistic admissions within the CU DPT program and the broader physical therapy profession by examining key factors influencing admissions yield, retention, and long-term success. Collaboration with peer institutions supports the study of holistic admissions reviewer teams, assessing their implementation and effectiveness through case reports that inform best practices. Findings aim to contribute to evidence-based admissions policies through publication and conference presentations, ultimately fostering a more diverse and representative physical therapy workforce.
Within the last five years
Peer Reviewed Publications
Canham L, Manago M, Dannemiller L, Rapport MJ. Holistic Review in Doctor of Physical Therapy Admissions Can Lead to Enhanced Diversity in Admitted Students, JOPTE. 2021;35(3):195-202.
Roll M, Canham L, Salamh P, Covington K, Simon C, Cook C. Evaluation of non-cognitive traits of doctor of physical therapy learners in the United States. J Educ Eval Health Prof. 2018, 15:19. Published online August 17, 2018.
Canham LE, Mintken PE. Large Popliteal Cyst in Patient with Complaint of Posteromedial Knee Pain. Int J Phys Med Rehabil. 2016, 4: 356
Peer Reviewed Scientific and Professional Presentations
National Conferences
Riley E, Canham L, Driscoll L. Strategies for Bias Mitigation Training in Holistic Admissions. Education Session Presenter. APTA Educational Leadership Conference (ELC). Oakland, CA, 2024.
Canham L, Sawyer E. No frills; let’s talk dollar bills. Discussing finances, from prospective students to graduates. Education Session Presenter at APTA Educational Leadership Conference (ELC). Philadelphia, PA, 2023.
Manago M. Canham L. Kinney A. Palmer J. Reliability of a Holistic Admissions Rubric for an Entry-Level Physical Therapist Program. Platform Presentation at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). San Diego, CA. 2023.
Riley E. Canham L. Biggs J. Nanjappa A. Houser J. Holistic Admissions: from Interviews to Infrastructure: A Panel Discussion on Implementation, Successes and Challenges. Education Session Presenter at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). San Diego, CA, 2023.
Canham L, Kabia F, McGee P, VanHoose L. All Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Arrows Point to Holistic Review in Admissions: A Panel on Implementation. Education Session Presenter at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). Virtual (presented “Live” via ZOOM). 2021.
Canham L, Manago M, Rapport MJ, Dannemiller L. Using Holistic Review in Admissions: One Program's Evidence Towards Enhancing Diversity. Platform Presenter at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). Denver, CO, 2020.
Roll M, Canham L, Salamh P; Quantifying Non-Cognitive Traits of Learners in a Holistic Admissions. Education Session Presenter at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). Washington D.C., 2019
Rapport M, Canham L. Conflict Happens: Teaching DPT Students to Think and Engage in Constructive Debate. Education Session Presenter at APTA Education Leadership Conference (ELC). Jacksonville, FL, 2018.
Dannemiller L, Rapport M, Canham L. Expanding Diversity in the PT Profession through Purposive Admissions Practices. Education Session Presenter at APTA Combined Sections Meeting (CSM). New Orleans, LA, 2018
Non-Peer Reviewed / Invited Presentations
Canham L. Making Sense of Strides: Approachable Techniques for Running Gait Analysis and Gait Retraining. APTA CO Chapter Fall Conference. Golden, CO 2023.
Canham L. Run Healthy Physical Therapy Workshop. LoHi Athletic Club. Denver, CO. 2023.
Canham LE, Clark J, Ewert N, Turner A, Nettik J, Charboneau B. “Wellderness”: Panel of Experts. Estes Park, CO 2019.
Canham LE, Dudley J. Climbing Mechanics: An Insider’s Look. Wilderness Exchange, Denver, CO 2018.
Hinrichs L, Canham LE. Shoulder Session at Session 6, Lakewood, CO 2018
Dudley, J, Canham LE. Mountain Biking Bent Gate Mountaineering, Golden, CO 2016
Canham, LE. Climbing Mechanics: An Insider’s Look [Invited Presenter] Bent Gate Mountaineering, Golden, CO 2016