Quality Improvement (QI) is the framework we use to systematically improve health care that is delivered to our patients. QI is a core professional value and skill for physicians to analyze what we do and try to improve.
Medical schools are attempting to bridge the gap between education and practice by providing meaningful opportunities for medical students to engage in QI. Schools using the traditional “block model” for core clinical training find this to be challenging. The Longitudinal Integrated Clerkship (LIC) model provides a unique year-long opportunity for students to fully engage in systems improvement.
Our Colorado Springs Branch students embraced the opportunity to develop, implement, perform and analyze the data from their QI projects this year. They applied the PDSA (Plan-Do-Study-Act) model for tracking the progress of their projects. This publication details their QI projects and describes their thought processes and ideas for future projects in our community.
Currently, QI education is evolving and we are proud of the accomplishments of our students. We thank the Colorado Springs Branch preceptors who have worked with our students on their projects. It’s exciting to see the Colorado Springs’ health care community engage in work that will improve the care we deliver to our patients!
-Dr. Jaime Baker, LIC Director, Patient Safety and Quality Improvement