WellDOM (Wellness in the Department of Medicine) is pleased to announce the Wellbeing and Engagement Small Grant Program: A WellDOM program for all DOM faculty and staff. The goal of this program is to 1) stimulate new, innovative wellness projects which have a strong potential to
improve wellbeing among their population of focus; and 2) empower University of Colorado Department of Medicine faculty, staff and learners to use quality improvement to improve wellbeing for their teams.
To do so, WellDOM will fund up to four, 12-month small grants of $2,500 each.
Priority will be given to projects with a strong rationale; that have the potential to be scaled to larger populations; and that can be achieved within the specified budget and timeframe. Projects that have already received significant external funding
will be less competitive.
Projects may address one or more of the WellDOM pillars listed below. Additional wellness topics are welcomed and encouraged. Possible domains include, but are not limited to:
All awardees will be invited to dinner with the chair of the Department of Medicine at the end of this program to present their findings.
Aims to reduce cognitive load, increase efficiency and attention, and overall improve the experience and wellbeing of the CARE Clinic Advanced Practice Providers through the creation of an ergonomic toolkit that will reduce distractions, noise and physical discomforts of the small yet high-acuity clinic.
Our WellDOM Small Grant will allow us to engage female cardiology faculty, fellows and residents in a career development and professional support group to improve the sense of connection, resilience and mentorship among women in cardiology.
Primary AIM: To assess and improve GMT provider wellness through receipt and assessment of patient, provider and RN satisfaction surveys.
The goal of our project is to create a system that will promote a sense of community, decrease feelings of isolation, and provide important resources to help improve mental health and provide suicide prevention education to research personnel within the Pulmonary Sciences and Critical Care Medicine Division.