UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital

UCHealth Certified Collaborative Case Reviews

DepartmentName of Collaborative Case Review (CCR) CommitteeMeeting recurrenceAnyone can attend?Location or Virtual LinkContact for CCR invitation
DermatologyDermatology, Mohs, and Melanoma CCRLast Wednesday of odd months, 0700-0800 (NOTE adjusted dates for March-3/19-and May-5/21)YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationTHERESA.PACHECO@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU EMMA.WEISS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU FIONA.ZWALD@CUANSHUTZ.EDU NICOLE.DALTON@UCHEALTH.ORG KELSEY.MOULTON@UCHEALTH.ORG THERESA.MEDINA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ASHLEY TULLIO@UCHEALTH.ORG
Emergency MedicineEmergency Department Case Review Committee (EDCRC)2nd Tuesday of the month,  0800-1030YesIn person: AIP2 1.610 | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 234 742 427 445
Passcode: UHoS2a

Or call in (audio only)
+1 720-724-7119,,800250030#
Phone Conference ID: 800 250 030#)
Family MedicineDepartment of Family Medicine CCR12/18/24, 3/26/25, 4/16/25, 6/18/25 at 1315-1345YesVirtual on Zoomkathryn.boyd-trull@cuanschutz.edu
MedicineAllergy CCR4th Friday of even months, 1200-1245 on Teams (3rd level review on March 28th from 12:00-12:45 pm)YesVirtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 243 978 859 88
Passcode: xPPok7)
Amanda Hutnick
MedicineBMT/BDCTC CCR3rd Thursday of the monthYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationMEREDITH.BEATON@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineCardiology CCR3rd Monday of the month, 1700-1800
YesVirtual on ZoomKAREN.REAM@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU;  kimberly.marshall@uchealth.org 
MedicineDivision of Hospital Medicine CCR 4th Thursday of the month, 1400-1500YesVirtual on ZoomMICHELLE.FLESHNER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineDOM Systems Improvement Conference CCR2nd Tuesday of every month (July, October, November, February, April, May) YesVirtual  on ZoomHEATHER.HALLMAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineDOM Systems Improvement Conference CCR (During DOM Grand Rounds)Quarterly during DOM Grand Rounds on 2nd Wednesday of the month (September, December, March)YesVirtual on ZoomHEATHER.HALLMAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineEndocrinology CCR7/17/24, 9/25/24, 5/28/25, 1200-1245, three more dates TBDYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationHELEN.LAWLER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU


MedicineGeneral Internal Medicine CCR4th Tuesday of the month, 1215-1300 on ZoomYesVirtual on Zoom (Meeting ID: 933 9602 1096)ELENA.LEBDUSKA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineGeriatrics CCR9/27/24, 1/24/25, 5/23/25 @ 0730-0830
Dates TBD in Oct 2024, Feb 2025, and Jan 2025 (3rd level review added: 4/10, 1-2pm &  6/12 12-1 p.m.)
MedicineGI CCRMonthly, dates to be determinedYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationNIPUN.REDDY@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU

MedicineInfectious Disease CCR1st Friday of the month, 1200-1300YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationBRIAN.MONTAGUE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineInpatient Medical Oncology Unit (OMG) CCR2nd Wednesday of the month (except July and December)YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationSARAH.SCARPATO@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
MedicineMedical Oncology Outpatient CCR3rd Thursday 2:30-3:30 in Oct, Dec, Feb, April and JuneYesVirtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 261 215 140 561
Passcode: dhoX44)
MedicineRenal Collaborative CCROct, Dec, Feb, April and JuneYesIn person attendance preferred. Email contact(s) for meeting information and location. katherine.cornish@cuanschutz.edu
MedicineRheumatology CCR4th Wednesday of odd months, 1215-1300 on TeamsYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationSUSAN.DONAHUE@UCHEALTH.ORG
NeurologyNeurology CCRContact co-chairs for schedule, dates vary, will be every other monthYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationJARRETT.LEECH@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
NeurologyStroke Neurology and Neurosurgery (N&N) CCR2nd Tuesday of the monthYesVirtual on TeamsSHARON.POISSON@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU

NeurosurgeryNeurosurgery & Neuro ICU CCR4/29/25 0930-1030, 6/11/25 1300-1430YesIn Person: Ben Nighthorse Cambell Building (email contact for location)AMANDA.BRILL@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
OB/GynGynecology CCR3/25, 6/18/25YesVirtual on Teamsandrea.elmore@uchealth.edu; DIANE.CHRISTOPHER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU; Chloe.VanderVeen@uchealth.org
OB/GynMICU CCR3rd Thursday of the month, 1300 (NOTE: May CCR will be held May 8th)YesIn Person: MICU conference room 10.516-10.517 | Virtual on TeamsMAUREEN.HALL@UCHEALTH.ORG
OB/GynNeonatal Intensive Care Unit CCR2nd Monday of the month, 7:30-09:00YesVirtual on TeamsJAMES.BARRY@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
OB/GynNewborn CCR1st Tuesday of every other month 11am-12pm (March 4, May 6) YesVirtual on TeamsSTACI.ADEN@UCHEALTH.ORG
OB/GynWomen's and Infants CCR4th Thursday of the month, 0900YesVirtual (email contact for link)AMY.SAILOR@UCHEALTH.ORG 
OphthalmologySystem Error Elimination (SEE) Conference 3/26/24, 5/28/24 @ 0700-0800YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationMONICA.ERTEL@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
OrthopedicsOrthopedic CCR3rd Tuesday of the monthYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationKENNETH.J.HUNT@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU

OrthopedicsTHK CCR 3rd Friday of odd months, 1300No-please email contact for invitationEmail contact(s) for meeting informationElizabeth.burns@uchealth.org
OtolaryngologyENT CCR3/27/25, 5/1/25, 6/19/25YesIn Person: AO1, Room 3101 | Virtual on Zoom (Join by phone: 1-253 215 8782
Meeting ID: 998 5738 9938)
PathologyUCH Patient Blood Management Subcommittee CCR3/12/25, 4/9/25, 6/11/25, 0700YesVirtual on Teams (Teams Meeting ID: 266 270 118 59, Passcode: XFv5km)INGRID.CANNON@UCHEALTH.ORG
Physical Medicine & RehabilitationInpatient Rehabilitation Unit CCR3rd Wednesday of the monthYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationSTEPHANIE.ELSTON@UCHEALTH.ORG

Physical Medicine & RehabilitationPM&R CCR 4/16/25, 6/18/25YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationSTEPHANIE.ELSTON@UCHEALTH.ORG
PsychiatryCeDAR CCRFourth Tuesday of the Month at 2 pmYesVirtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 296 560 692 877
Passcode: DGwEgc)
EDWARD.MACPHEE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU; Tuesday.VanTuyl@uchealth.org
PsychiatryDepartment of Psychiatry CCR3rd Thursday of the month, 1200YesVirtual on Zoompsychiatry-CCR@cuanschutz.edu
Radiation OncologyRadiation Oncology Quality and Safety CCR4th Thursday of the month, 1000-1100NoVirtual (email contact for link)mandy.whitton@cuanscutz.edu
RadiologyRadiology CCR12:00 pm on the following dates: 3/18/25, 5/20/5, 6/17/25YesVirtual on Teams, Email contact(s) for meeting informationTERESA.BIEKER@UCHEALTH.ORG
SurgeryBariatric Surgery CCR4th Wednesday of odd months 1215-1300 on TeamsYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationAKSHAY.CHAUHAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
SurgeryBreast and Plastics CCR3/26/25, 4/23/25, 5/28/25, 6/25/25YesVirtual on Teamselizabeth.burns@uchealth.org
SurgeryBurn CCR3rd Thursday of the month @ 8amYesIn person: CCW 3rd Floor Burn Conference Room | Virtual on Teams, Meeting ID: 281 590 511 767
Passcode: T3jRjt
SurgeryColon SSI CCR1st Friday of even months YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationMICHELLE.BALLOU@UCHEALTH.ORG MICHAEL.MCNEVIN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
SurgeryCTICU CCR2nd Thursday of the month @ 1pmYesVirtual on Teams, Email contact(s) for meeting informationERICA.PRATT@UCHEALTH.ORG


SurgeryGITES and Surgical Oncology CCR4th Tuesday of the month YesIn Person: A01 - 6101SARAH.TEVIS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
SurgeryMechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) CCR4th Friday of 8/24, 2/25, 5/25, and at least two additional TBD, and 12/6/24 (Note: MCS CCRs are scheduled during our Monthly MCS Workgroup which is the fourth Friday of the month January-October. November and December are combined on the first or second week in December to accommodate holidays. However dedicated CCRs are held in February, May, August, and Nov/December meetings as well as PRN.) Yes(Virtual on Teams Meeting ID: 295 596 293 120
Passcode: 2wKtdb)
SurgerySTICU CCR2nd Wednesday every other month, 1230-1400YesVirtual (email contact for link)hannah.hodges@uchealth.org
SurgeryTransplant Center Multi-disciplinary CCRAbdominal Transplant CCR: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 1600
Lung: Scheduled as indicated
Heart: 4th Wednesday of the month, 1400
YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationKENDRA.CONZEN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
SurgeryTrauma Multidisciplinary Peer Review3rd Tuesday of the monthYesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationMICHAEL.CRIPPS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
SurgeryUCH Metro Perioperative CCR2nd Friday of the month, 0630-0730YesVirtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 297 345 108 699
Passcode: 6jMfuP )
SurgeryUrology CCR2nd Monday of even months,  0800YesEmail contact(s) for meeting informationJANET.KUKREJA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU

SurgeryVascular CCR4th Thursday of the month, 1200-1300 YesVirtual on TeamsDAVID.HARRIS@UCHEALTH.ORG
UCHealthPatient Flow CCRLast Monday of even months, 1400-1500YesVirtual (email contact for link)DARLENE.TAD-Y@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU
UCHealthRespiratory CCR1st Wednesday of the month, 1600-1700 on TeamsYesIn Person: AIP, AIP2 or AIP3 (email contact for location) | Virtual on Teams (email contact for link)DANA.WILKENING@UCHEALTH.ORG
UCHealthWorkplace Violence Prevention CCREven months @ 1600-1730:  4/23/2025YesVirtual on TeamsRENEE.SCHOENBECK@UCHEALTH.ORG

Please send questions and report any broken links or missing email addresses to GMEQualityandsafety@cuanschutz.edu.  

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