Department | Name of Collaborative Case Review (CCR) Committee | Meeting recurrence | Anyone can attend? | Location or Virtual Link | Contact for CCR invitation |
Dermatology | Dermatology, Mohs, and Melanoma CCR | Last Wednesday of odd months, 0700-0800 (NOTE adjusted dates for March-3/19-and May-5/21) | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | THERESA.PACHECO@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU EMMA.WEISS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU FIONA.ZWALD@CUANSHUTZ.EDU NICOLE.DALTON@UCHEALTH.ORG KELSEY.MOULTON@UCHEALTH.ORG THERESA.MEDINA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ASHLEY TULLIO@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Emergency Medicine | Emergency Department Case Review Committee (EDCRC) | 2nd Tuesday of the month, 0800-1030 | Yes | In person: AIP2 1.610 | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 234 742 427 445 Passcode: UHoS2a Or call in (audio only) +1 720-724-7119,,800250030# Phone Conference ID: 800 250 030#) | NICOLE.LEE2@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Family Medicine | Department of Family Medicine CCR | 12/18/24, 3/26/25, 4/16/25, 6/18/25 at 1315-1345 | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | |
Medicine | Allergy CCR | 4th Friday of even months, 1200-1245 on Teams (3rd level review on March 28th from 12:00-12:45 pm) | Yes | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 243 978 859 88 Passcode: xPPok7) | Amanda Hutnick |
Medicine | BMT/BDCTC CCR | 3rd Thursday of the month | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | MEREDITH.BEATON@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU SYDNEY.REDLAND@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Medicine | Cardiology CCR | 3rd Monday of the month, 1700-1800 | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | KAREN.REAM@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU; |
Medicine | Division of Hospital Medicine CCR | 4th Thursday of the month, 1400-1500 | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | MICHELLE.FLESHNER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | DOM Systems Improvement Conference CCR | 2nd Tuesday of every month (July, October, November, February, April, May) | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | HEATHER.HALLMAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | DOM Systems Improvement Conference CCR (During DOM Grand Rounds) | Quarterly during DOM Grand Rounds on 2nd Wednesday of the month (September, December, March) | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | HEATHER.HALLMAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | Endocrinology CCR | 7/17/24, 9/25/24, 5/28/25, 1200-1245, three more dates TBD | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | HELEN.LAWLER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ELAINA.THOMPSON@UCHEALTH.ORG CECILIA.LOWWANG@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | General Internal Medicine CCR | 4th Tuesday of the month, 1215-1300 on Zoom | Yes | Virtual on Zoom (Meeting ID: 933 9602 1096) | ELENA.LEBDUSKA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | Geriatrics CCR | 9/27/24, 1/24/25, 5/23/25 @ 0730-0830 Dates TBD in Oct 2024, Feb 2025, and Jan 2025 (3rd level review added: 4/10, 1-2pm & 6/12 12-1 p.m.) | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | THOMAS.2.JOHNSON@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU LEAH.SECHLER@UCHEALTH.ORG DANIELLE.FIXEN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU SARAH.TIETZ@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Medicine | GI CCR | Monthly, dates to be determined | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | NIPUN.REDDY@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU TERRAN.HARDESTY@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Medicine | Infectious Disease CCR | 1st Friday of the month, 1200-1300 | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | BRIAN.MONTAGUE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ASHLEY.KELM@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Medicine | Inpatient Medical Oncology Unit (OMG) CCR | 2nd Wednesday of the month (except July and December) | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | SARAH.SCARPATO@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ARIEL.KUBISSA@UCHEALTH.ORG MITCHELL.ROSSI@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Medicine | Medical Oncology Outpatient CCR | 3rd Thursday 2:30-3:30 in Oct, Dec, Feb, April and June | Yes | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 261 215 140 561 Passcode: dhoX44) | |
Medicine | Renal Collaborative CCR | Oct, Dec, Feb, April and June | Yes | In person attendance preferred. Email contact(s) for meeting information and location. | |
Medicine | Rheumatology CCR | 4th Wednesday of odd months, 1215-1300 on Teams | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | SUSAN.DONAHUE@UCHEALTH.ORG ELENA.WEINSTEIN@CUANSCHUTZ.ORG |
Neurology | Neurology CCR | Contact co-chairs for schedule, dates vary, will be every other month | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | JARRETT.LEECH@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Neurology | Stroke Neurology and Neurosurgery (N&N) CCR | 2nd Tuesday of the month | Yes | Virtual on Teams | SHARON.POISSON@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU KERRI.JEPPSON@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Neurosurgery | Neurosurgery & Neuro ICU CCR | 4/29/25 0930-1030, 6/11/25 1300-1430 | Yes | In Person: Ben Nighthorse Cambell Building (email contact for location) | AMANDA.BRILL@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
OB/Gyn | Gynecology CCR | 3/25, 6/18/25 | Yes | Virtual on Teams |; DIANE.CHRISTOPHER@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU; |
OB/Gyn | MICU CCR | 3rd Thursday of the month, 1300 (NOTE: May CCR will be held May 8th) | Yes | In Person: MICU conference room 10.516-10.517 | Virtual on Teams | MAUREEN.HALL@UCHEALTH.ORG |
OB/Gyn | Neonatal Intensive Care Unit CCR | 2nd Monday of the month, 7:30-09:00 | Yes | Virtual on Teams | JAMES.BARRY@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
OB/Gyn | Newborn CCR | 1st Tuesday of every other month 11am-12pm (March 4, May 6) | Yes | Virtual on Teams | STACI.ADEN@UCHEALTH.ORG |
OB/Gyn | Women's and Infants CCR | 4th Thursday of the month, 0900 | Yes | Virtual (email contact for link) | AMY.SAILOR@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Ophthalmology | System Error Elimination (SEE) Conference | 3/26/24, 5/28/24 @ 0700-0800 | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | MONICA.ERTEL@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Orthopedics | Orthopedic CCR | 3rd Tuesday of the month | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | KENNETH.J.HUNT@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU DESIREA.ULIBARRI@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Orthopedics | THK CCR | 3rd Friday of odd months, 1300 | No-please email contact for invitation | Email contact(s) for meeting information | |
Otolaryngology | ENT CCR | 3/27/25, 5/1/25, 6/19/25 | Yes | In Person: AO1, Room 3101 | Virtual on Zoom (Join by phone: 1-253 215 8782 Meeting ID: 998 5738 9938) | TAMMY.WANG@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Pathology | UCH Patient Blood Management Subcommittee CCR | 3/12/25, 4/9/25, 6/11/25, 0700 | Yes | Virtual on Teams (Teams Meeting ID: 266 270 118 59, Passcode: XFv5km) | INGRID.CANNON@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit CCR | 3rd Wednesday of the month | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | STEPHANIE.ELSTON@UCHEALTH.ORG KATHERINE.PAYNE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation | PM&R CCR | 4/16/25, 6/18/25 | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | STEPHANIE.ELSTON@UCHEALTH.ORG KATHERINE.PAYNE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU ASHLEY.PETER@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Psychiatry | CeDAR CCR | Fourth Tuesday of the Month at 2 pm | Yes | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 296 560 692 877 Passcode: DGwEgc) | EDWARD.MACPHEE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU; |
Psychiatry | Department of Psychiatry CCR | 3rd Thursday of the month, 1200 | Yes | Virtual on Zoom | |
Radiation Oncology | Radiation Oncology Quality and Safety CCR | 4th Thursday of the month, 1000-1100 | No | Virtual (email contact for link) | |
Radiology | Radiology CCR | 12:00 pm on the following dates: 3/18/25, 5/20/5, 6/17/25 | Yes | Virtual on Teams, Email contact(s) for meeting information | TERESA.BIEKER@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | Bariatric Surgery CCR | 4th Wednesday of odd months 1215-1300 on Teams | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | AKSHAY.CHAUHAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU BREANNA.JUDA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Surgery | Breast and Plastics CCR | 3/26/25, 4/23/25, 5/28/25, 6/25/25 | Yes | Virtual on Teams | |
Surgery | Burn CCR | 3rd Thursday of the month @ 8am | Yes | In person: CCW 3rd Floor Burn Conference Room | Virtual on Teams, Meeting ID: 281 590 511 767 Passcode: T3jRjt | JUSTIN.BURLESON@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | Colon SSI CCR | 1st Friday of even months | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | MICHELLE.BALLOU@UCHEALTH.ORG MICHAEL.MCNEVIN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Surgery | CTICU CCR | 2nd Thursday of the month @ 1pm | Yes | Virtual on Teams, Email contact(s) for meeting information | ERICA.PRATT@UCHEALTH.ORG CAITLIN.BLAINE@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU BREANDAN.SULLIVAN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Surgery | GITES and Surgical Oncology CCR | 4th Tuesday of the month | Yes | In Person: A01 - 6101 | SARAH.TEVIS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
Surgery | Mechanical Circulatory Support (MCS) CCR | 4th Friday of 8/24, 2/25, 5/25, and at least two additional TBD, and 12/6/24 (Note: MCS CCRs are scheduled during our Monthly MCS Workgroup which is the fourth Friday of the month January-October. November and December are combined on the first or second week in December to accommodate holidays. However dedicated CCRs are held in February, May, August, and Nov/December meetings as well as PRN.) | Yes | (Virtual on Teams Meeting ID: 295 596 293 120 Passcode: 2wKtdb) | KRISTINA.FORSMARK@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | STICU CCR | 2nd Wednesday every other month, 1230-1400 | Yes | Virtual (email contact for link) | |
Surgery | Transplant Center Multi-disciplinary CCR | Abdominal Transplant CCR: 2nd & 4th Tuesday of the month, 1600 Lung: Scheduled as indicated Heart: 4th Wednesday of the month, 1400 | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | KENDRA.CONZEN@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU HEIDI.MONROE@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | Trauma Multidisciplinary Peer Review | 3rd Tuesday of the month | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | MICHAEL.CRIPPS@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU REGINA.KRELL@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | UCH Metro Perioperative CCR | 2nd Friday of the month, 0630-0730 | Yes | Virtual on Teams (Meeting ID: 297 345 108 699 Passcode: 6jMfuP ) | |
Surgery | Urology CCR | 2nd Monday of even months, 0800 | Yes | Email contact(s) for meeting information | JANET.KUKREJA@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU CRISTINA.WINCHESTER@UCHEALTH.ORG |
Surgery | Vascular CCR | 4th Thursday of the month, 1200-1300 | Yes | Virtual on Teams | DAVID.HARRIS@UCHEALTH.ORG |
UCHealth | Patient Flow CCR | Last Monday of even months, 1400-1500 | Yes | Virtual (email contact for link) | DARLENE.TAD-Y@CUANSCHUTZ.EDU |
UCHealth | Respiratory CCR | 1st Wednesday of the month, 1600-1700 on Teams | Yes | In Person: AIP, AIP2 or AIP3 (email contact for location) | Virtual on Teams (email contact for link) | DANA.WILKENING@UCHEALTH.ORG |
UCHealth | Workplace Violence Prevention CCR | Even months @ 1600-1730: 4/23/2025 | Yes | Virtual on Teams | RENEE.SCHOENBECK@UCHEALTH.ORG |
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