Linda van Dyk, PhD


Virus associated malignancies


University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus

Program Objective

Dr. van Dyk’s lab focuses on molecular interactions between virus and host that impact infection and cancer. The main projects in the lab:

  • Analysis of a virus encoded cyclin with a host tumor suppressor in regulating dormancy versus growth of infected cells.
  • Characterization of non-coding RNAs that regulate the innate immune response in virus infection and disease.
  • Definition of viral miRNAs that fine-tune chronic infection and dormancy.

Program Description

Students will participate with others in the lab and at lab meetings and will present project overview and experimental results at lab group meetings and the Cancer Center poster session. Research project will include molecular and cell biology studies of samples including cells, tissues, proteins and RNA. See Dr. van Dyk's faculty profile for more information.

Contact Info

Phone: (303) 724-4207

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