Dr. Adele Meron Named Residency Program Director
Zachary Noriega, MPA | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/CU School of Medicine Sep 3, 2024
The University of Colorado Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation congratulates Adele Meron, MD, associate professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, who was named residency program director for the department. The role was previously held for five years by Scott Laker, MD, professor of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, who has assumed new responsibilities within the CU School of Medicine as associate dean for clinical affairs - adult health, and senior medical director for CU Medicine. The department is grateful to Dr. Laker for his service in this capacity.
This role is responsible for the development, oversight, and improvement of the residency program. As residency program director, Dr. Meron will oversee 18 residents, the associate program directors, and the site directors in their roles within the residency program. There are currently 5 clinical sites that our residents contribute to patient care at: UCHealth University of Colorado Hospital (UCH), Rocky Mountain Regional Veterans Medical Center (VA), Denver Health Medical Center (DHMC), Children’s Hospital of Colorado (CHCO), and Craig Hospital.
"Dr. Adele Meron has distinguished herself as a pre-eminent national educator, and we are proud to have her as the next CU PM&R residency program director. Dr. Meron has the natural equipoise of a nurturing leader. The faculty, residents and staff are excited to enter this next era of our residency!" says Dr. Venu Akuthota, chair of the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation.
Dr. Meron plans to continue building upon what has been established within the residency program at CU PM&R. "My goal is to continue the incredible work of former program directors: Dr. Laker, Dr. Sullivan, my residency program director, Dr. Akuthota, to continue the legacy of excellence this program has built. It is my personal mission to continue to be a highly sought after residency program that trains future leaders in the field by mentoring, supporting, and challenging our residents to become the best version of themselves, as physicians, leaders, educators, scholars, and as people," says Dr. Meron.
On a personal level, Dr. Meron states, "I come from a family of educators so the role of residency program director feels like fulfilling my genetic destiny to become a lifetime educator. My favorite part of my job is mentoring residents and my goal as program director is to be an approachable leader who both supports and challenges the residents to achieve success in our field and in life. I am looking forward to working with our incredible and diverse faculty to create an environment of cohesion and collaboration so that training and working at CU PM&R feels like a family."
At CU PM&R we are excited to see all that Dr. Meron, and the residency program, accomplishes as she ascends to this new level of leadership within our department!