2020 Faculty Publications

Akram, F., Gragnoli, C., Raheja, U. K., Snitker, S., Lowry, C. A., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., Hoisington, A.J., Brenner, L.A., . . . Postolache, T. T. (2020). Seasonal affective disorder and seasonal changes in weight and sleep duration are inversely associated with plasma adiponectin levels. J Psychiatr Res, 122, 97-104. doi:10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.12.016

Alderink, G. J., & Carollo, J. J. (2020). Enhancing the Quality of Clinical Movement Analysis through Instrumented Gait and Motion Analysis - Best Practices and Laboratory Accreditation. Gait Posture, 82, 52-53. doi:10.1016/j.gaitpost.2020.08.104

Amoroso, M., Bottcher, A., Lowry, C. A., Langgartner, D., & Reber, S. O. (2020). Subcutaneous Mycobacterium vaccae promotes resilience in a mouse model of chronic psychosocial stress when administered prior to or during psychosocial stress. Brain Behav Immun, 87, 309-317. doi:10.1016/j.bbi.2019.12.018

Anderson, M., Rallapalli, V., Walker, K., Kaizer, A., Uhler, K. (2020). Do Infants with Hearing Loss Listen Like Little Adults? Canadian Audiologist, 7(3). Retrieved from https://canadianaudiologist.ca/issue/volume-7-issue-3-2020/do-infants-with-hearing-loss-listen-like-little-adults-feature/

Arnold, M. R., Greenwood, B. N., McArthur, J. A., Clark, P. J., Fleshner, M., & Lowry, C. A. (2020). Effects of repeated voluntary or forced exercise on brainstem serotonergic systems in rats. Behav Brain Res, 378, 112237. doi:10.1016/j.bbr.2019.112237

Bade, M. J., Christensen, J. C., Zeni, J. A., Jr., Christiansen, C. L., Dayton, M. R., Forster, J. E., . . . Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Movement pattern biofeedback training after total knee arthroplasty: Randomized clinical trial protocol. Contemp Clin Trials, 91, 105973. doi:10.1016/j.cct.2020.105973

Baer, H. R., Gilbert, A. R., Forster, J. E., Ketchum, N. C., Mallow, M., & Nguyen, V. Q. C. (2020). Use of the Electrodiagnostic Entrustable Professional Activity for Competency Assessment in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Training Programs. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 99(1), 81-85. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000001302

Bahraini, N., Brenner, L. A., Barry, C., Hostetter, T., Keusch, J., Post, E. P., . . . Matarazzo, B. B. (2020). Assessment of Rates of Suicide Risk Screening and Prevalence of Positive Screening Results Among US Veterans After Implementation of the Veterans Affairs Suicide Risk Identification Strategy. JAMA Netw Open, 3(10), e2022531. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2020.22531

Bahraini, N. H., Matarazzo, B. B., Barry, C. N., Post, E. P., Forster, J. E., Dollar, K. M., . . . Brenner, L. A. (2020). Protocol: examining the effectiveness of an adaptive implementation intervention to improve uptake of the VA suicide risk identification strategy: a sequential multiple assignment randomized trial. Implement Sci, 15(1), 58. doi:10.1186/s13012-020-01019-6

Barber, K., Sarmiento, C., & Niehaus, W. (2020). Hyperextension-Induced Dorsal Cord Syndrome: Case Presentation. PM R, 12(5), 518-521. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12249

Berliner, J. M., Kluger, B. M., Corcos, D. M., Pelak, V. S., Gisbert, R., McRae, C., . . . Schenkman, M. (2020). Patient perceptions of visual, vestibular, and oculomotor deficits in people with Parkinson's disease. Physiother Theory Pract, 36(6), 701-708. doi:10.1080/09593985.2018.1492055

Bernabe, C. S., Caliman, I. F., Truitt, W. A., Molosh, A. I., Lowry, C. A., Hay-Schmidt, A., . . . Johnson, P. L. (2020). Using loss- and gain-of-function approaches to target amygdala-projecting serotonergic neurons in the dorsal raphe nucleus that enhance anxiety-related and conditioned fear behaviors. J Psychopharmacol, 34(4), 400-411. doi:10.1177/0269881119900981

Betthauser, L. M., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., McGarity, S., Smith, V., Place, S., & Brenner, L. A. (2020). Mobile App for Mental Health Monitoring and Clinical Outreach in Veterans: Mixed Methods Feasibility and Acceptability Study. J Med Internet Res, 22(8), e15506. doi:10.2196/15506

Blessing, A., DeBeer, B. B., Meyer, E. C., Riggs, S., Kimbrel, N. A., Gulliver, S. B., & Morissette, S. B. (2020). Deployment preparation, family functioning, and PTSD in returning veterans. Military Behavioral Health, 8(2), 130-138. doi:10.1080/21635781.2020.1713265

Blosnich, J. R., Monteith, L. L., Holliday, R., Brenner, L. A., & Montgomery, A. E. (2020). Differences in methods of suicide among veterans experiencing housing instability, 2013-2016. Psychiatry Res, 288, 112947. doi:10.1016/j.psychres.2020.112947

Borges, L. M., Bahraini, N. H., Holliman, B. D., Gissen, M. R., Lawson, W. C., & Barnes, S. M. (2020). Veterans' perspectives on discussing moral injury in the context of evidence-based psychotherapies for PTSD and other VA treatment. J Clin Psychol, 76(3), 377-391. doi:10.1002/jclp.22887

Borges, L. M., Barnes, S. M., Farnsworth, J. K., Bahraini, N. H., & Brenner, L. A. (2020). A commentary on moral injury among health care providers during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychol Trauma, 12(S1), S138-S140. doi:10.1037/tra0000698

Bowers, S. J., Vargas, F., Gonzalez, A., He, S., Jiang, P., Dorrestein, P. C., . . . Lowry, C.A., . . . Turek, F. W. (2020). Repeated sleep disruption in mice leads to persistent shifts in the fecal microbiome and metabolome. PLoS One, 15(2), e0229001. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0229001

Brandenburg, J. E., Holman, L. K., Apkon, S. D., Houtrow, A. J., Rinaldi, R., & Sholas, M. G. (2020). School reopening during COVID-19 pandemic: Considering students with disabilitiesJ Pediatr Rehabil Med, 13(3), 425-431. doi:10.3233/PRM-200789

Brenner, L. A., Forster, J. E., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., Stamper, C. E., Hoisington, A. J., Brostow, D. P., Mealer, M., . . . Lowry, C. A. (2020). Evaluation of an Immunomodulatory Probiotic Intervention for Veterans With Co-occurring Mild Traumatic Brain Injury and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder: A Pilot Study. Front Neurol, 11, 1015. doi:10.3389/fneur.2020.01015

Brenner, L. A., & Morales, T. I. (2020). Traumatic Brain Injury and Inflammation: The Role of Local and Peripheral Participants in Short- and Long-Term OutcomesJ Head Trauma Rehabil, 35(5), 297-299. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000623

Brenner, L. A., Stamper, C. E., Hoisington, A. J., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., Stanislawksi, M. A., Brostow, D. P., . . . Lowry, C. A. (2020). Microbial Diversity and Community Structures Among Those With Moderate to Severe TBI: A United States-Veteran Microbiome Project StudyJ Head Trauma Rehabil, 35(5), 332-341. doi:10.1097/HTR.0000000000000615

Burkhardt, J. A., & Rapport, M. J. K. (2020). Quality of Life and Functional Mobility After Progressive Resistance Exercise in an Adolescent With a Liver Transplant. Pediatr Phys Ther, 32(4), E70-E75. doi:10.1097/PEP.0000000000000751

Campbell, R., Petranovich, C. L., Cheek, S., Morrison, L., & Hart, B. (2020). Subjective Cognitive Concerns and Attitudes toward Genetic Testing Are Associated with Depressive Symptoms and Quality of Life after Genetic Testing for the Cerebral Cavernous Malformation Common Hispanic Mutation (CCM1). J Behav Brain Sci, 10(2), 118-127. doi:10.4236/jbbs.2020.102007

Carollo, J., De, S., & Akuthota, V. (2020). Evidence-Based Physiatry: Clinical Decision-Making With Instrumented Gait Analysis. Am J Phys Med Rehabil, 99(3), 265-266. doi:10.1097/PHM.0000000000001376

C'De Baca, J., Castillo, D., DeBeer, B., & Qualls, C. (2020). Rationale and design of an efficacy study of Group Prolonged Exposure for PTSD. Contemp Clin Trials Commun, 17, 100509. doi:10.1016/j.conctc.2019.100509

Christensen, J. C., Kline, P. W., Murray, A. M., & Christiansen, C. L. (2020). Movement asymmetry during low and high demand mobility tasks after dysvascular transtibial amputation. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon), 80, 105102. doi:10.1016/j.clinbiomech.2020.105102

Christensen, J. C., Paxton, R. J., Baym, C., Forster, J. E., Dayton, M. R., Hogan, C. A., & Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Benefits of direct patient discharge to outpatient physical therapy after total knee arthroplasty. Disabil Rehabil, 42(5), 660-666. doi:10.1080/09638288.2018.1505968

Christiansen, C. L., Miller, M. J., Kline, P. W., Fields, T. T., Sullivan, W. J., Blatchford, P. J., & Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Biobehavioral Intervention Targeting Physical Activity Behavior Change for Older Veterans after Nontraumatic Amputation: A Randomized Controlled Trial. PM R, 12(10), 957-966. doi:10.1002/pmrj.12374

Clements, N. D., McCormick, Z. L., Vydra, D., Nagpal, A., Akuthota, V., Kennedy, D. J., & Cushman, D. M. (2020). Serious Complications Associated with Interventional Spine Procedures-Results of a Spine Intervention Society Survey. Pain Med, 21(3), 651-653. doi:10.1093/pm/pnz135

Cochran, K. L., Doo, K., Squires, A., Shah, T., Rinne, S., & Mealer, M. (2020). Addressing Burnout Syndrome From a Critical Care Specialty Organization Perspective. AACN Adv Crit Care, 31(2), 158-166. doi:10.4037/aacnacc2020579

Cochran, K. L., Moss, M., & Mealer, M. (2020). Prevalence of Coping Strategy Training in Nursing School Curricula. Am J Crit Care, 29(2), 104-110. doi:10.4037/ajcc2020287

Cohen, S. P., Baber, Z. B., Buvanendran, A., McLean, B. C., Chen, Y., Hooten, W. M., Laker, S.R., . . . Phillips, C. R. (2020). Pain Management Best Practices from Multispecialty Organizations During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Public Health Crises. Pain Med, 21(7), 1331-1346. doi:10.1093/pm/pnaa127

Colbert, A. M., Edlynn, E., Mueller, V., Ariefdjohan, M., & Lindwall, J. (2020). Evaluating Health-Related Quality of Life and School Attendance in a Multidisciplinary School Program for Youth with Significant Medical Needs. J Clin Psychol Med Settings, 27(2), 416-428. doi:10.1007/s10880-019-09675-7

Colbert, A. M., Lamb, M. M., Asturias, E. J., Munoz, F. M., Bauer, D., Arroyave, P., . . . Connery, A. K. (2020). Reliability and Validity of an Adapted and Translated Version of the Mullen Scales of Early Learning (AT-MSEL) in Rural Guatemala. Child Care Health Dev, 46(3), 327-335. doi:10.1111/cch.12748

Congdon, J. L., Nugent, J. K., McManus, B. M., Coccia, M., & Bush, N. R. (2020). A Pilot Validation Study of the Newborn Behavioral Observations System: Associations with Salivary Cortisol and Temperament. J Dev Behav Pediatr, 41(9), 716-723. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000842

Correa-de-Araujo, R., Addison, O., Miljkovic, I., Goodpaster, B. H., Bergman, B. C., Clark, R. V., . . . Harris-Love, M.O., . . . Rosen, C. J. (2020). Myosteatosis in the Context of Skeletal Muscle Function Deficit: An Interdisciplinary Workshop at the National Institute on Aging. Front Physiol, 11, 963. doi:10.3389/fphys.2020.00963

Dannemiller, L., Mueller, M., Leitner, A., Iverson, E., & Kaplan, S. L. (2020). Physical Therapy Management of Children With Developmental Coordination Disorder: An Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guideline From the Academy of Pediatric Physical Therapy of the American Physical Therapy Association. Pediatr Phys Ther, 32(4), 278-313. doi:10.1097/PEP.0000000000000753

Davis, T., Weintraub, A., Makley, M., Spier, E., & Forster, J. (2020). The intersection of cerebral fat embolism syndrome and traumatic brain injury: a literature review and case series. Brain Inj, 34(8), 1127-1134. doi:10.1080/02699052.2020.1776898

DeBeer, B., Baack, S., Bongiovanni, K., Borah, E., Bryan, C., Bryant, K., . . . Benzer, J. (2020). The Veterans Affairs Patient Safety Center of Inquiry-Suicide Prevention Collaborative: Creating Novel Approaches to Suicide Prevention Among Veterans Receiving Community Services. Fed Pract, 37(11), 512-521. doi:10.12788/fp.0071

Denneson, L. M., Tompkins, K. J., McDonald, K. L., Hoffmire, C. A., Britton, P. C., Carlson, K. F., . . . Dobscha, S. K. (2020). Gender differences in the development of suicidal behavior among United States military veterans: A national qualitative study. Soc Sci Med, 260, 113178. doi:10.1016/j.socscimed.2020.113178

Donner, N. C., Davies, S. M., Fitz, S. D., Kienzle, D. M., Shekhar, A., & Lowry, C. A. (2020). Crh receptor priming in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) induces tph2 gene expression in the dorsomedial dorsal raphe nucleus and chronic anxiety. Prog Neuropsychopharmacol Biol Psychiatry, 96, 109730. doi:10.1016/j.pnpbp.2019.109730

Dursun, N., Bonikowski, M., Dabrowski, E., Matthews, D., Gormley, M., Tilton, A., . . . Delgado, M. R. (2020). Efficacy of Repeat AbobotulinumtoxinA (Dysport(R)) Injections in Improving Gait in Children with Spastic Cerebral Palsy. Dev Neurorehabil, 23(6), 368-374. doi:10.1080/17518423.2019.1687602


Dutra, S. V. O., Dagdag, A., Groer, M., Wadhawan, A., Giegling, I., Hartman, A. M., . . . Brenner, L.A., . . . Postolache, T. (2020). Association Between Temperament Traits With Toxoplasma Gondii IgG Serointensity and Seropositivity in Psychiatrically Healthy Adults. Biological Psychiatry, 87(9), S364-S365. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.02.934

Elliott, J. M., Smith, A. C., Hoggarth, M. A., Albin, S. R., Weber, K. A., 2nd, Haager, M., . . . Parrish, T. B. (2020). Muscle fat infiltration following whiplash: A computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging comparison. PLoS One, 15(6), e0234061. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0234061

Falvey, J., Murphy, T., Gill, T., Stevens-Lapsley, J., & Ferrante, L. (2020). 55: Factors Associated with Home Health Rehabilitation Utilization among Older Icu Survivors. Crit Care Med, 48(1), 28-28. doi:10.1097/01.ccm.0000618720.61285.a5

Falvey, J. R., Bade, M. J., Hogan, C., Forster, J. E., & Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Preoperative Activities of Daily Living Dependency is Associated With Higher 30-Day Readmission Risk for Older Adults After Total Joint Arthroplasty. Clin Orthop Relat Res, 478(2), 231-237. doi:10.1097/CORR.0000000000001040

Falvey, J. R., Murphy, T. E., Gill, T. M., Stevens-Lapsley, J. E., & Ferrante, L. E. (2020). Home Health Rehabilitation Utilization Among Medicare Beneficiaries Following Critical Illness. J Am Geriatr Soc, 68(7), 1512-1519. doi:10.1111/jgs.16412

Ferris, A. E., Christiansen, C. L., Heise, G. D., Hahn, D., & Smith, J. D. (2020). Biomechanical analysis of curb ascent in persons with Ertl and non-Ertl transtibial amputations. Prosthet Orthot Int, 44(1), 36-43. doi:10.1177/0309364619885717

Filer, J. E., Delorit, J. D., Hoisington, A. J., & Schuldt, S. J. (2020). Optimizing the Environmental and Economic Sustainability of Remote Community Infrastructure. Sustainability, 12(6), 2208. doi:ARTN 220810.3390/su12062208

Finley, E. P., Garcia, H. A., Ramirez, V. A., Haro, E. K., Mignogna, J., DeBeer, B., & Wiltsey-Stirman, S. (2020). Treatment selection among posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) specialty care providers in the Veterans Health Administration: A thematic analysis. Psychol Trauma, 12(3), 251-259. doi:10.1037/tra0000477

Flint, K. M., Stevens-Lapsley, J., & Forman, D. E. (2020). Cardiac Rehabilitation in Frail Older Adults With Cardiovascular Disease: A NEW DIAGNOSTIC AND TREATMENT PARADIGM. J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev, 40(2), 72-78. doi:10.1097/HCR.0000000000000492

Flux, M. C., & Lowry, C. A. (2020). Finding intestinal fortitude: Integrating the microbiome into a holistic view of depression mechanisms, treatment, and resilience. Neurobiol Dis, 135, 104578. doi:10.1016/j.nbd.2019.104578

Friedrich, J., Itano, E. M., & Lynn, R. R. (2020). Management of Cardiac Implantable Electrical Devices in Patients Undergoing Radiofrequency Ablation for Spine Pain: Physician Survey and Review of Guidelines. Pain Physician, 23(4), E335-E342. Retrieved from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/32709179

Gaeddert, L. A., Schneider, A. L., Miller, C. N., Monteith, L. L., Brenner, L. A., Katon, J., & Hoffmire, C. A. (2020). Recruitment of women veterans into suicide prevention research: Improving response rates with enhanced recruitment materials and multiple survey modalities. Res Nurs Health, 43(5), 538-547. doi:10.1002/nur.22065

Garcia, H. A., Mignogna, J., DeBeer, B. R., Song, J., Haro, E. K., & Finley, E. P. (2020). Provider factors predict use of evidence-based psychotherapies in veterans affairs posttraumatic stress disorder specialty programs: The role of profession, theoretical orientation, and training. Traumatology, 26(2), 227-234. doi:10.1037/trm0000220

Gollie, J. M., & Harris-Love, M. O. (2020). Resistance Activities. In Nutrition, Fitness, and Mindfulness (pp. 121-136): Springer.

Gollie, J. M., Patel, S. S., Scholten, J. D., & Harris-Love, M. O. (2020). Preliminary Study of the Effects of Eccentric-Overload Resistance Exercise on Physical Function and Torque Capacity in Chronic Kidney Disease. J Funct Morphol Kinesiol, 5(4). doi:10.3390/jfmk5040097



Griffith, M. F., Levy, C. R., Parikh, T. J., Stevens-Lapsley, J. E., Eber, L. B., Palat, S. T., . . . Teno, J. M. (2020). Nursing Home Residents Face Severe Functional Limitation or Death After Hospitalization for Pneumonia. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 21(12), 1879-1884. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.09.010

Gustavson, A. M., Forster, J. E., LeDoux, C. V., & Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Multiparticipant Rehabilitation in Skilled Nursing Facilities: An Observational Comparison Study. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 21(12), 1920-1925. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.05.002

Gustavson, A. M., Malone, D. J., Boxer, R. S., Forster, J. E., & Stevens-Lapsley, J. E. (2020). Application of High-Intensity Functional Resistance Training in a Skilled Nursing Facility: An Implementation Study. Phys Ther, 100(10), 1746-1758. doi:10.1093/ptj/pzaa126

Hagerty, S. L., Hutchison, K. E., Lowry, C. A., & Bryan, A. D. (2020). An empirically derived method for measuring human gut microbiome alpha diversity: Demonstrated utility in predicting health-related outcomes among a human clinical sample. PLoS One, 15(3), e0229204. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0229204

Heyn, P. (2020). Ageism and People With Early-Onset Disability. Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 847-847. doi:10.1093/geroni/igaa057.3107

Heyn, P. (2020). Workplace Adaptive Technologies for Working Adults With Cognitive and Physical Disabilities. Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 861-861. doi:10.1093/geroni/igaa057.3176

Heyn, P., Sood, P., Devos, H., Negm, A., & Kletzel, S. (2020). Brain Games for Dementia: Do They Help? Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 775-775. doi:10.1093/geroni/igaa057.2803

Heyn, P., Tagawa, A., Negm, A., & Sood, P. (2020). Evidence-Based Exercise Recommendations for Older Adults With Cognitive Impairments. Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 849-849. doi:10.1093/geroni/igaa057.3116

Heyn, P., & Watts, A. (2020). A New Lens on Physical Activity Promotion: Can Technology Boost Exercise Prescription and Adherence? Innovation in Aging, 4(Supplement_1), 842-843. doi:10.1093/geroni/igaa057.3089

Hidde, M. C., Leach, H. J., Marker, R. J., Peters, J. C., & Purcell, W. T. (2020). Effects of a Clinic-Based Exercise Program on Sleep Disturbance Among Cancer Survivors. Integr Cancer Ther, 19, 1534735420975852. doi:10.1177/1534735420975852

Hoffberg, A. S., Huggins, J., Cobb, A., Forster, J. E., & Bahraini, N. (2020). Beyond Journals-Visual Abstracts Promote Wider Suicide Prevention Research Dissemination and Engagement: A Randomized Crossover Trial. Front Res Metr Anal, 5, 564193. doi:10.3389/frma.2020.564193

Hoffmire, C. A., Barth, S. K., & Bossarte, R. M. (2020). Reevaluating Suicide Mortality for Veterans With Data From the VA-DoD Mortality Data Repository, 2000-2010. Psychiatr Serv, 71(6), 612-615. doi:10.1176/appi.ps.201900324

Holliday, R., Borges, L. M., Stearns-Yoder, K. A., Hoffberg, A. S., Brenner, L. A., & Monteith, L. L. (2020). Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, Suicidal Ideation, and Suicidal Self-Directed Violence Among U.S. Military Personnel and Veterans: A Systematic Review of the Literature From 2010 to 2018. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Retrieved from https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01998/full

Howell, D. R., Kirkwood, M. W., Laker, S., & Wilson, J. C. (2020). Collision and Contact Sport Participation and Quality of Life Among Adolescent Athletes. J Athl Train, 55(11), 1174-1180. doi:10.4085/1062-6050-0536.19

Howell, D. R., Laker, S., Kirkwood, M. W., & Wilson, J. (2020). Contact and Collision Sports Participation during Adolescence Is Associated with Reduced Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms. Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine, 8(4_suppl3), 2325967120S2325900169. doi:10.1177/2325967120s00169

Hu, X., Kim, S., Mortera, M., & Heyn, P. (2020). Pharmacological Interventions for Reducing Intracranial Pressure After Traumatic Brain Injury: An Overview of Systematic Reviews with Randomized Controlled Trials. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 101(11), e112-e113. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2020.09.344



Hyman, S. L., Levy, S. E., Myers, S. M., Apkon, S., Council On Children With Disabilities, S. O. D., & Behavioral, P. (2020). Executive Summary: Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatrics, 145(1), e20193448. doi:10.1542/peds.2019-3448

Hyman, S. L., Levy, S. E., Myers, S. M., Apkon, S., Council On Children With Disabilities, S. O. D., & Behavioral, P. (2020). Identification, Evaluation, and Management of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder. Pediatrics, 145(1), e20193447. doi:10.1542/peds.2019-3447

Jagoda, J. A., Hoisington, J.. A., Schuldt, S. J. (2020). STAR LIGHT, STAR BRIGHT… LET’S BUILD A HOUSE

ON THE MOON TONIGHT! Frontiers for Young Minds, 08(546032). Retrieved from https://kids.frontiersin.org/article/10.3389/frym.2020.546032

James, K. A., Gralla, J., Ridall, L. A., Do, T. N., Czaja, A. S., Mourani, P. M., . . . Oleszek, J., . . . Auerbach, S. R. (2020). Left ventricular dysfunction in Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Cardiol Young, 30(2), 171-176. doi:10.1017/S1047951119002610

Jette, D. U., Hunter, S. J., Burkett, L., Langham, B., Logerstedt, D. S., Piuzzi, N. S., . . . Stevens-Lapsley. J.E., . . . American Physical Therapy, A. (2020). Physical Therapist Management of Total Knee Arthroplasty. Phys Ther, 100(9), 1603-1631. doi:10.1093/ptj/pzaa099

Jones, C. D., Nearing, K. A., Burke, R. E., Lum, H. D., Boxer, R. S., Stevens-Lapsley, J. E., . . . Levy, C. R. (2020). "What Would It Take to Transform Post-Acute Care?" 2019 Conference Proceedings on Re-envisioning Post-Acute Care. J Am Med Dir Assoc, 21(8), 1012-1014. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2020.02.004

Jones, J. R. A., Berney, S., Berry, M. J., Files, D. C., Griffith, D. M., McDonald, L. A., . . . Nordon-Craft, A.,    . . . Investigators, C. R. S. (2020). Response to physical rehabilitation and recovery trajectories following critical illness: individual participant data meta-analysis protocol. BMJ Open, 10(5), e035613. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-035613

Judd DL, W. J., Davidson BS, Schenkman MS, Dennis DA, Stevens-Lapsley JE. (2020). Incorporating Neuromuscular Reeducation Techniques During Postoperative Rehabilitation Improves Functional Performance After Total Hip Arthroplasty: A Preliminary Study. Journal of Surgery and Rehabilitation, 16(2), 1. Retrieved from https://www.sciencerepository.org/articles/incorporating-neuromuscular-reeducation-techniques_JSR-2020-1-102.pdf

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