Research can take a long time; therefore, we cannot guarantee that we will find information in your sample to return to you. As more samples are processed and genotyping is completed, the biobank may find information that is medically important for some participants.
If we learn something about your sample, we may be able to return this information if you have consented to have results returned.
- If you signed a biobank consent form before October 2019, you have not consented to get results from the biobank, and you must update your consent form if you wish to have results returned. We have recently started to re-contact participants through My Health Connection to invite them to update their consent.
- If you signed a biobank consent form on or after October 1, 2019, you have already given us permission to share medically relevant information with you. However, not everyone will have this information, so we cannot guarantee that you will have results returned.
If you have pharmacogenetic results available for return and have consented to have these results returned, you will be notified through UCHealth's My Health Connection electronic patient portal. The easiest way to find your results is by going to test results and entering "PGx" in the search test results box at the top.
It can sometimes be difficult to find these results in My Health Connection. The date for these results refers to the date that your biobank sample was collected. This may have been 3-5 years ago. Therefore, it is important to scroll back several years to find your biobank results.