At UCHealth the use of pharmacogenetics when prescribing irinotecan will occur in patients who meet the following conditions:
1) Provided a blood or saliva sample to the CCPM biobank, consented for the return of their results, and this sample has undergone genotyping OR the patient is being seen in a clinic which is currently using pharmacogenetic testing as part of standard care (e.g., the UCHealth GI Oncology Clinic).
2) Are prescribed dexlansoprazole, lansoprazole, omeeprazole, or pantoprazole.
For patients enrolled in the biobank, this process takes a minimum of 4-6 weeks but may take several years. Therefore, results will not be available at initial presentation if a patient has not previously enrolled in the biobank.
If you are a provider AND your patient is a CYP2C19 ultrarapid, rapid, intermediate or poor metabolizer, an inline medication warning will appear if you attempt to prescribe or refill omeprazole, pantoprazole, lansoprazole, or dexlansoprazole in UCHealth's EHR. If the inline medication warning is visible, links to resources will be listed for your reference. There is patient education text available for UCHealth providers to use in discharge paperwork or the after visit summary (AVS).