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Diego Restrepo, Ph.D.

Professor and Co-Director, Center for Neuroscience (CNS)

Diego Restrepo, PhD
Phone Number303-724-3405
DegreePh.D., University of Rochester, 1985
External WebsiteRestrepo Lab

Research Focus: Decision-Making in the Olfactory System

I am a systems neuroscientist with a background in biophysics. The goal of my research is to understand how brain circuits mediate decision making to complex sensory input. In my lab, we study how sensory processing areas of the olfactory and somatosensory systems handle information relevant to decision-making, and how they interact with downstream regions such as the hippocampus and cerebellum. In addition, we study the circuit basis for behavioral deficits in mild demyelination and neurodevelopmental disorders.

To tackle these questions, we use an interdisciplinary approach employing high-density electrical recording, advanced microscopy, closed loop optogenetics, and computational neuroscience.

You can view my latest publications on PubMed or ​Google Scholar.

For more information, visit my lab website by clicking the button below.

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