Electron Microscopy Core Facility

The Electron Microscopy Core Facility at the University of Colorado School of Medicine is a multi-user/service facility that provides biological-biomedical researchers with instrumentation and image analysis on a recharge basis. We welcome investigators from all academic institutions and private sectors.

We offer comprehensive specimen preparation and imaging services, including negative staining, plastic embedding, ultrathin sectioning, and immunogold labeling for electron microscopy studies. For more information, please contact the Core Director, Anza Darehshouri, at anza.darehshouri@cuanschutz.edu.

Our Team

Anza Darehshouri, PhD


Anza Darehshouri, PhD

Research Assistant Professor

Electron Microscopists:

Connon Thomas, PhD
Senior Research Associate


Mei Li image


Mei Li
Professional Research Assistant 


  • Thermo Fisher Tecnai G12 BioTwin equipped with a side-mount XR80 (8mp) CCD AMT camera and a low-mount NS15B (15mp) sCMOS AMT Camera
  • Leica Ultracut EM UC7 equipped with a Leica EM FC7 Cryo Chamber
  • Leica UC Enuity - Advanced Instrument M80
  • Pelco Glow Discharge Unit
  • Pelco UV Cryochamber

How to Start a Project

You can find us at https://cu.corefacilities.org/service_center/5859?tab=about.

To begin a new project, select the Request Services tab, click on “initiate request” button, enter necessary information, and hit "submit." As soon as we have your request, we will contact you to schedule a time to meet and discuss your project.

If you do not have an iLab account, you could complete the registration form on the sign-up page and receive a Welcome Email from iLab with login credentials.

User Fees

The Electron Microscopy Core Facility is a research instrumentation and service facility open to state, university, and external users. Instrument use and technician services are available on a recharge fee basis. Charges help defray the costs of the service contracts, maintenance, salaries, and supplies.

Staff Assistance $104 / hour $114 / hour
EM Beam Time $84 / hour $92 / hour
Thick and Thin Sectioning & Post Staining $245 / sample $270 / sample
Sample Preparation >4 samples $130 / sample $143 / sample


Anza Darehshouri, PhD

Office: 303-724-3098

Lab: 303-724-3450

Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
University of Colorado School of Medicine
12801 E. 17th Ave., RC-1 South
Office: L18-11123
Lab: L18-1207
Aurora, CO 80045

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