Organoid Tissue and Modeling Shared Resource-

Consultation Services

In addition to our standard Organoid and iPSC services, we also offer consultation services to provide expertise and assistance with experimental design, training, protocol sharing, and grant support.

Initiating services with the OTMSR

Initiating a new service with the Organoid and Tissue Modeling Shared Resource begins with a consultation to discuss project specifics, goals, feasibility, timelines, etc. To book a consultation, and initiate a new service with the OTMSR, please visit our iLabs page. Initial consultations are free of charge, but scheduling through iLabs is mandatory to help us maintain records of OTMSR utilization. Please note, an initial consultation is not required to purchase media and reagents.


Experimental Design

The OTMSR can consult and provide expertise in the areas of:

  • 3D organoid culture
  • Stem cell isolation from primary tissues and organoid establishment
  • iPSC culture and differentiation
  • Genetic modification of iPSCs and their experimental application


The OTMSR offers training in a variety of different techniques and specialized equipment:

Introductory Organoid Training: A two-hour course taking place over two days. The first day consists of hands-on passaging of an organoid line. The second day will go over the basics of growth and determining the best timing for passaging, refeeding, and other basic tissue cell isolation and culturing techniques.

Comprehensive Organoid Training: A four-hour course taking place over one to two days. Topics covered include thawing organoid lines from cryostorage, freezing, and basic organoid collection and analytical techniques.

Human iPSC culture and maintenance: A multi-day, hands-on course in which users will learn how to thaw, freeze, remove differentiation, expand, and passage human iPSCs.

MANTIS Liquid Handler: Training covers operation and use of the MANTIS for dispensing organoid/Matrigel suspensions into 96-well plates for screening assays. Training takes place over multiple practice sessions. Trained users are able to reserve and use the MANTIS independently.

Spinning-disk confocal microscope: (Coming soon )

Letter of Support and Budgeting for grant applications

The OTMSR can provide detailed Letters of Support and budgets for grant applications with tailored information for individual grant proposals. Project specifics are discussed during an initial consultation, which can be scheduled through iLabs.

Protocol sharing

The OTMSR can provide validated protocols for adult tissue-derived organoid applications and are available upon request. Some examples of protocols and media compositions are listed and available for download:

  • Mouse WENR media
  • Mouse ENR media
  • Human WENRAS media
  • Human iPSC culture and maintenance
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