Other resources available through the Center for Education Research and Scholarship include tips for submitting a protocol and application to COMIRB for review and approval for human subjects research, information and resources for managing references, and tips for presenting education research and scholarship.
Complete required CITI Training modules. These must be completed before you gain access to eRA (InfoEd).
Many resources are available on campus for locating and managing references.
My NCBI is a service of the National Library of Medicine, available through PubMed. In My NCBI you can maintain a bibliography of your publications, save searches for PubMed, and save collections of articles you have identified through PubMed. Sign up for My NCBI.
EndNote is a reference management system available at no cost to CU Denver faculty, employees, and students.
Instructions to access and download EndNote
Explore the capacity of EndNote
Mendeley is another reference management system and is available for free.
PubMed and many other databases are available through the Health Sciences Library, with links to full text articles if you sign in to the library with your CU Denver login.
The librarians at Children’s hospital are extremely helpful with setting up literature searches and locating references. Visit Catisha Benjamin and Marie St. Pierre in the library in the Administrative Pavilion, 1st floor, north side of the atrium (formerly the Willow conference room).
Worksheet for planning scholarship.pdf
Identify a project you are working on that might be considered scholarship and work through the process of laying out your project goals and methods.
How to design an effective poster.
Critique the message and visual presentation of your poster to find out if it can stand alone and presents a clear message.
Giving a Platform Presentation.pdf
Identifying problems in preparing and giving platform presentations and describing solutions to overcome these problems.
Boyer's expanded definitions of scholarship, the standards for assessing scholarship, and the elusiveness of the scholarship of teaching