Explore the new Crnic Institute Human Trisome Project Virtual Biorepository (VBR)

The VBR enables users to request biospecimens from the Human Trisome Project biorepository.

Access the VBR

Helping lead the NIH data coordinating center for Down syndrome research

Our scientists, data analysts, and administrators have teamed up with Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and Sage Bionetworks for this new initiative

Read the press release

Research opportunities for people with Down syndrome

Our research initiatives include clinical trials for immune skin conditions, Down Syndrome Regression Disorder (DSRD) and more.

Learn more

We use state-of-the-art, transformational research platforms to decipher the unique biology and disease spectrum caused by trisomy of chromosome 21. 

Our ultimate goal is to enable precision medicine approaches to improve health outcomes in Down syndrome, including the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic tools.​​​

The Linda Crnic Institute logo is a dark blue circle encompassing three double helixes, representing the triplication of chromosome 21

We are the largest geographical cluster of Down syndrome researchers in the world​

Comprised of over 50 Principal Investigators and countless more contributing scientists from across the University of Colorado campuses, our researchers bring expertise from a variety of fields.

Together, we are working to decipher the complex mechanisms and multi-faceted health impacts of trisomy 21.

Scientists in lab coats talking in the lab

We need partners like you to grow and accelerate our work

Ours is a mission that was never meant to be accomplished alone. We are grateful for our scientists, business partners, generous donors, and brave research volunteers, and we cannot continue moving forward without your sustained support.

Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome

CU Anschutz

Research Complex II

12700 East 19th Avenue

Room 4014

Aurora, CO 80045


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