Cryopreservation services 

GEMM has extensive experience cryopreserving mouse strains. Embryo and sperm cryopreservation can be performed for a variety of reasons.  Investigators may cryopreserve germplasm to safeguard a strain against outbreaks, unexpected breeding failures, and natural disasters.  Another motivation for cryopreserving germplasm is to facilitate sharing of a strain with collaborators around the world.  Cryopreservation also enables you to retain a strain that is not being actively studied but may later become important to your research program as we can rederive live mice for you from cryopreserved embryos and sperm. 

 We offer two cryopreservation options: 

  1. Sperm cryopreservation, no quality control.  Sperm will be cryopreserved from 2 to 3 adult proven males of the desired genotype (no additional quality controls will be done on this sperm).
  2. Hybrid (embryo and sperm) cryopreservationFresh sperm will be harvested from 2 or 3 proven males of the desired genotype and will be used with eggs, typically B6, for in vitro fertilization.  Resulting embryos are cryopreserved. In parallel, any unused sperm is cryopreserved (no additional quality controls will be done on this sperm). 

 Both options are automatically associated with an annual cryostorage fee.  All cryopreserved samples are stored in duplicate in two separate locations on campus.  If, at the time of the service request, you indicate that you would like to keep your samples, we will provide them to you instead.

Sperm cryopreservation
  • Only 3 adult proven males are required
  • Relatively inexpensive 
  • Cryopreserved sperm can be shipped on dry ice, but should shipping delays occur the samples could be compromised
  • Upon rederivation, all resulting offspring will be heterozygote/ hemizygote at best
  • Rederivation requires IVF, which not all facilities support
  • The fertilization rate and quality of sperm varies a lot from one male to the next
Hybrid cryopreservation
(sperm and embryos)
  • Only 3 adult proven males are required
  • Cryopreserved embryos require less effort and are more reliably rederived
  • Most facilities/collaborators can rederive live mice from cryopreserved embryos
  • More expensive than sperm cryopreservation
  • Upon rederivation, all resulting offspring will be heterozygote/hemizygote at best unless investigator provides egg donors (6-8 females of desired genotype, 3 weeks of age)



Jennifer Matsuda, PhD
Director, GEMM

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