Teen CRUSH Research Study Seeking Participants
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Teen CRUSH: Formative work to develop an intervention to increase the sexual health of adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder
This research aims to measure the knowledge and behavior concerning sexual health of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their parents. Once data is collected, the goal is to create a behavioral intervention that addresses the specific sexual health needs of adolescents with ASD. All research will take place online. Two types of participants are being recruited:
- Parent/Caregiver Group Participants
- Adolescent Participants
Eligible parents or caregivers to participate in the group intervention include:
- Have a child between the ages of 15 to 17 with a medical diagnosis of ASD or a school designation of ASD on their IEP
- Caregivers must be between the age of 18 and 88 years
- Caregivers of autistic adolescents desiring to learn more regarding sexual and/or reproductive health and behavior for their child
- Their child has been evaluated or received treatment through Developmental Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Colorado
- Have access to reliable internet and the ability to participate in an online group
- Child must use fluent language/complex sentences as a primary means of communication
- Parents of children with an additional diagnosis of intellectual disability will be excluded
Adolescent group members include:
- Be an adolescent between the ages of 15 and 17 with a medical diagnosis of ASD or a school designation of ASD on their IEP
- Have been evaluated or received treatment through Developmental Pediatrics at Children’s Hospital Colorado
- Have verbal ability sufficient to understand and provide informed assent and respond to questionnaires and interviews
- Autistic adolescents with a diagnosis of intellectual disability will be excluded
- Have access to reliable internet and the ability to participate in an online group
Fees & Compensation: Adolescents and parents will not be billed for participation. Gift card compensation will be provided for completing designated measures.
Contact: Please feel free to refer potential eligible participants for this study. Contact Karen Garay, M.D. at karen.garay@childrenscolorado.org for additional information.
Principal Investigator: Karen Garay, M.D.
Sponsor: Aerosmith Endowment Fund and Courage Class and Burns Night Fundraisers
COMIRB #: 23-0257