Tim Gill Endowment & Distinguished Lectureship

Tim Gill is a Colorado native, entrepreneur, and activist for positive social change who actively supports equal rights and opportunity for every citizen. He works to counter discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender expression and his foundation has been a major factor in advancing equality and human rights for the LGBTQ community across the nation. A recipient of the University of Colorado Distinguished Service Award in 1996, Gill endowed the Tim Gill Professorship in Infectious Diseases in 1998.

The Professorship was established to support HIV research at the University of Colorado and to promote HIV education at the University and within the Colorado community. Dr. Eric Poeschla is the Tim Gill Endowed Chair in HIV Research. 

Each year a Tim Gill Distinguished Lecturer is selected based on expertise in HIV research and care, for their skill in teaching and for their humanism that informs and enhances their communities and the world.

Past Lectureships

November 8, 2023

Dan Barouch, MD, PhD

William Bosworth Castle Professor of Medicine, Professor of Immunology, Harvard Medical School

Rgon Institute of MGH, MIT, and Harvard

Director, Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center

ID Grand Rounds: "Correlates of Protection for COVID-19 Vaccines"

DOM Grand Rounds: "Novel HIV Vaccine and Cure Strategies"


October 27, 2022

Jonathan Li, MD, MMSc

Associate Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School & Ragon Institute 

Director of the Harvard/Brigham Virology Specialty Laboratory

Director of the Harvard University Center for AIDS Research Clinical Core

"When Viruses Go Wild: How HIV and SARS-CoV-2 Can Become Unsuppressible"


December 8, 2021

Paul Farmer, MD, PhD

Kolokotrones University Professor and Chair of the Department of Global Health and Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School

Chief of the Division of Global Health Equity, Brigham and Women's Hospital

Co-founder and Chief Strategist of Partners in Health

"Ebola in West Africa: Lessons for Responding to COVID-19"


October 21, 2020

Jeremy Luban, MD

David J. Friedlander Chair in Aids Research

Professor, Program in Molecular Medicine and Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Pharmacology

University of Massachusetts Medical School

"Innate Immunity to HIV-1 and the Effect of HIV-1 and SARS-CoV-2 on Innate Lymphoid Cells"


November 6, 2019

Julie Overbaugh, Ph.D.

Endowed Chair for Graduate Education and Director of Office of Education and Training

Fred Hutchinson Cancer institute

“The Potential of International Collaborations for HIV Prevention: Studies of Mother to Child Transmission“


September 26, 2018

David Cohn, MD

Professor of Medicine

Division of Infectious Diseases, University of Colorado -Denver, School of Medicine

"The History HIV/AIDS in Colorado: Discovery, Controversy, Collaboration and Success"


November 15, 2017

Steven Deeks, MD

Professor of Medicine in Residence

Department of Medicine, University of California - San Francisco

“An HIV Cure: Why it is Needed and How It Might be Achieved?”


September 14, 2016

Robert Grant, MD MPH

Senior Investigator, Gladstone Institutes

Chief Medical Officer, San Francisco AIDS Foundation

Professor of Medicine, University of California San Francisco
“Scaling up PrEP for impact”


August 26, 2015

Paula Cannon, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Molecular Microbiology & Immunology

Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California.

“Could Gene and Cell Therapies Cure HIV?”


May 14, 2014

Warner C. Greene, MD PhD                                                                                                          

Director, Gladstone Institute of Virology and Immunology

Nick and Sue Hellmann Distinguished Professor of Translational Medicine

Professor of Medicine, Microbiology and Immunology, University of California -San Francisco

Executive Chairman, Accordia Global Health Foundation

"How HIV Causes AIDS: How Do CD4 T-Cells Die?"       


April 10, 2013

David Margolis, MD

Professor of Medicine, Microbiology & Immunology, Epidemiology

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

"Assembling the Tools to Clear HIV Infection: Contributions from Virology and Immunology"   


April 9, 2012     

Kenneth E. Sherman, MD PhD 

Professor, Division Director, Division of Digestive Diseases

University of Cincinnatti College of Medicine


March 8, 2011

Paul A. Volberding, MD

Professor and Vice Chair, Department of Medicine, University of California - San Francisco

Chief, Medical Services San Francisco Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Co-Director, UCSF-GIVI Center for AIDS Research

"The Ongoing Relationship Between HIV and Cancer"

March 31, 2010

Carlos del Rio, MD

Professor and Chair, Hubert Department of Global Health at the Rollins School of Public Health

Co-Director for the Clinical Science and International Research Core

Emory Center for AIDS Research

"Challenges for Providing HIV Care to Hard-to-Reach Populations in the US"


May 27, 2009

Gerald Friedland, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, Epidemiology and Public Health

Director, Yale AIDS Program Yale University

"Confronting HIV and XDR (Extremely Drug Resistant) TB in South Africa"


March 26, 2008

Kenneth Mayer, M.D.

Professor of Medicine and Community Health

Director, Brown University AIDS Program, Brown University

“Biological Interventions to Prevent HIV: Pitfalls and Promise”


May 16, 2007

Judith S. Currier, M.D.

Professor of Medicine, UCLA Center for AIDS Research and Education

Co-Director, CARE Center

“HIV in Women in America”


May 3, 2006

Wafaa El-Sadr, M.D.

Professor of Medicine and Epidemiology, Columbia University

Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Harlem Hospital Center

“The HIV Epidemic: Can it Transform the Health Care System Globally?”


March 4, 2002

Roberto Badaro, MD

Salvador, Bahia Brazil

“HIV in Brazil: The Intersection of the HIV Epidemic and Tropical Diseases”


MAY 17, 2000

Samuel A. Bozzette, MD, PhD

Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Diego

Senior Natural Scientist, RAND

“HIV Healthcare Treatment in the United States”


March 31, 1999

Bruce D. Walker, MD

Professor of Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston 

Harvard Medical School

“Host Factors in the Control of HIV-1 Infection”

Infectious Diseases (SOM)

CU Anschutz

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