Vision Group

Labs in the Vision Cluster independently and collaboratively examine neural circuit function underlying visual processing and visually-guided behavior. We seek to address fundamental and translational questions by examining retinal, midbrain and cortical circuits using a range of cutting edge approaches, including in vivo 2-photon imaging, high-density electrophysiology, RNA-seq, optogenetics, behavioral paradigms and computational modeling and analysis. We enjoy mentoring and co-mentoring research trainees and aim to create a welcome space within our own labs and across the Cluster for individuals from a diversity of backgrounds and with a diversity of scientific viewpoints.

Gidon Felsen, PhD

Gidon Felsen


Neurophysiology of making decisions and initiating actions

Daniel Denman, PhD

Daniel Denman

Assistant Professor

Visual cortical coding and circuit neurophysiology

Ben Scholl

Benjamin Scholl

Assistant Professor

Circuit and synaptic network dynamics, development, and dysfunction

Alon Poleg-Polsky, MD, PhD

Alon Poleg-Polsky​

Assistant Professor​

Dendritic integration and visual processing in the retina


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