36th Annual Gersten Day
Rehabilitation Scientific Symposium
Zachary Noriega, MPA | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/CU School of Medicine Jun 9, 2023
36th Annual Gersten Day
The CU Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation celebrated its 36th Annual Gersten Day Rehabilitation Scientific Symposium on Friday, June 9, 2023. The presentations provided valuable research, much of which has been submitted for peer-review, and other content to the attendees.
The morning started with presentations by the outgoing residents. Kristina Barber, MD, presented on the “Feasibility and Acceptability of a Telemedicine Triage Model Among Medicaid Patients with Low Back Pain Referred to a Spine Center.” Christina Draganich, DO, presented on “Exploring Incidence and Utility of Screening in Spinal Cord and Brain Injury.” Emma Rickles, MD, presented on “Unmet Need for Outpatient Occupational Therapy Services among Veterans with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Veterans Health Administration: The Role of Facility Characteristics.” Derek Stokes, MD, presented on “Assessment of the Current State of Sports Coverage Among PM&R Residents and Residency Programs.” William Summers, MD, presented on “Quantitative Ultrasound Assessment of Lean and Intramuscular Adipose Tissue in Veterans (i.e., QUALITY VETS).” Finally, Christi Ng, MD, presented on “Reduction of Parkinsonian Features in Rett Patients while on Carbidopa/Levodopa.” During the evening, the residents celebrated their graduation at the Denver Museum of Nature and Science.
Following the residents were the presentations by the department's fellows. Andrew McCoy, MD, and Carly Rothman, DO co-presented on “Efficacy of a Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Anatomy & Skills Curriculum for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation Residents.” Daniela Iliescu, MD, presented on “Esophageal Perforations after Spinal Cord Injury: Retrospective Review and Case Series.”
Following the fellowship presentations were the presentations by the Rehabilitation Science PhD students. Jeremy Graber, PT, DPT presented on “Clinical Decision Support for Personalized Rehab after Knee Replacement.” Michelle Rauzi, PT, DPT, ATC, PhD(c) presented on “Improving Medically Complex Older Veterans’ Health through a Multicomponent Telehealth Program: Protocol for a Convergent Mixed Methods Randomized Feasibility Study.”
After the Rehabilitation Science PhD students presented their research, the department announced the recipients of the second annual PM&R Professionalism Awards during the networking lunch. CU PM&R was honored to bestow Drs. Mike Bade and Michael Kirkwood with this recognition. These phenomenal faculty members were nominated by their colleagues for this honor.
Finally, the department welcomed our keynote speaker Jonathan F. Bean, MD, MS, MPH. Dr. Bean joined Gersten Day in-person from Harvard Medical School/Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital and Veterans Affairs Boston Healthcare System where he is a professor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. He also serves as a Physician Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital Research Institute. Dr. Bean presented on “Optimizing Care for an Aging Nation: A Role for Rehabilitative Care.”
The CU Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation is grateful to Dr. Bean for taking the time to present his insights and expertise to our colleagues. The department is also grateful to all our residents, fellows, students, and faculty for the incredible research happening at the CU Anschutz Medical Campus that help advance the value of rehabilitation sciences.