Vision & Strategy


For Thrive: Offices for the Faculty Experience, our vision is for University of Colorado School of Medicine to be the destination for top diverse talent to discover, care, learn, and serve.

This means having an engaged, satisfied, and professionally fulfilled workforce of world-class clinicians and scientists who enjoy their careers, feel a sense of belonging, and believe they have the support needed to be successful.


Our mission is to enable and empower University of Colorado School of Medicine faculty to thrive at work by taking and promoting action on organizational culture and system factors related to academic and clinical environments, while supporting faculty throughout their careers.

CU Thrive

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CU Thrive is a multi-faceted strategy designed to optimize the faculty experience and address burnout. We at Offices for the Faculty Experience, along with our partners, take action to improve organizational culture and structural factors related to clinical and research environments, while helping leaders facilitate a culture of well-being; and helping faculty navigate and grow their careers.

We believe that improving faculty well-being is a shared responsibility of individual faculty, work unit leaders, University of Colorado School of Medicine, our campus partners, and our clinical affiliates.

Together, we can effectively improve the system and culture contributing to high work stress for clinicians, educators, and scientists.

Thrive Focus

For Thrive: Offices for the Faculty Experience, the focus of our work is to ignite system-level change to enhance careers and transform workplace culture, while providing growth and development opportunities; supporting leaders; and providing excellent services to faculty throughout their professional lifecycle.

Organized under Offices for the Faculty Experience are Office for Faculty Affairs; Office for Faculty Relations; Office for Faculty Development; and Faculty Work and Culture Optimization Collaborative.

Thrive Goals

Top 10 Employer

Be among the top 10 employers of choice for our faculty.

Gold Standard for Faculty Experience

Set the standard for the faculty experience in healthcare.

Fulfillment & Engagement

Have a clinical and research workforce with burnout levels below national benchmarks; and professional fulfillment and engagement rated better than experienced elsewhere.

Diversity & Respect

Have a diverse faculty body who feel respected and validated for their identities and contributions; and who feel that their voices are heard.