Core Services 

The DRC contains four biomedical cores that provide services and resources to DRC investigators. These cores are designed to facilitate and broaden CU Denver DRC research by expanding access to shared equipment, enhancing availability and training for emerging technologies, and allowing scientists to have greater access to clinical tissue and data.



Cell and Tissue Analysis

Access to state-of-the-art multi-color confocal microscopy, flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services, and expert assistance for mass cytometry and ion-beam imaging technologies. 


Clinical Resources

Providing researchers access to an integrated, campus-wide, research registry enabling informatics-based clinical studies.


Disease Modeling

Providing access and training in stem cell technologies for in vitro human disease modeling of diabetes as well as molecular core services including routine karyotyping, pluripotency assessment, STR fingerprint, microsatellite and SNP analysis, and VNTR number determination and mycoplasma testing.


Tissue Procurement & Processing

Providing access to islet isolation and transplantation services along with access to commonly used cell lines and diabetes-related histology techniques.

University Core Services

Click here to see a list of the current operational research cores supported by the School of Medicine and the research leadership on the Anschutz Medical Campus.


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