Cell and Tissue Analysis Core



The Cell and Tissue Analysis Core provides diabetes researchers at the University of Colorado with a unified means to access and effectively use state-of-the art microscopy and mass cytometry systems to drive innovative research. This necessarily includes providing access to this equipment; expertise and training to use the equipment effectively for diabetes-related tissues; expertise and validated diabetes- related resources to prepare samples appropriately; guidance to design experiments; resources to analyze data; and assistance with its interpretation.

The IONpath Multiplexed Ion Beam Imaging (MIBI) system

Advanced Microscopy

Advanced Light microscopy core- The ALMC provides a suite of state of the art microscopy systems with broad capabilities and dedicated professional staff.  

-Multi-color, high sensitivity confocal and two-photon microscopy

            Zeiss LSM780 NLO (with 2-photon excitation and FLIM/FCS)

Olympus FV1000 (with CARS/SRS)

            3I Marianas inverted spinning disk microscope

            3I Vivo upright spinning disk microscope (with 2-photon excitation)

-Super-resolution nanoscopy (STED, STORM/PALM)

            Zeiss Elyria TIRF/STORM

            Home-built STED system (2-color)

-Fluorescence lifetime imaging (metabolism, oxidized lipids, FRET molecular interactions)

-Coherent Raman imaging (CARS/SRS lipid imaging)  

-Subsidized services for diabetes researchers

Reserve an ALMC instrument

Intra-vital microscopy-Imaging systems and expertise is available for custom intra-vital imaging for diabetes applications.

-Abdominal window preparations

-Peripheral nerve preparation

-Intravital imaging and tissue explant imaging

-Upright 2-photon systems

Leica SP8 DIVE (700-1300nm)

Olympus FV1000 with DIVER detector (ultrasensitive detection)

-Whole organ imaging with Light sheet microscope and tissue clearing (coming soon)


Reserve an ALMC instrument (DIVER and light sheet)

Request custom intra-vital imaging services


Consulting and assistance

-Expert assistance is available for diabetes researchers to incorporate new advanced microscopy approaches to enhance their research. This includes advice on experimental design; technical assistance; assistance with image quantification; and advice for sample preparation.

-We carry specialized reagents needed for certain imaging modalities (e.g. super-resolution imaging), as well as standards for system calibration (e.g. test charts, fluorophore standards).

-The ALMC seminar series introduces new advanced systems and capabilities or covers fundamental concepts in microscopy.


Have a question or need advice?


Spectral flow cytometry- Spectral flow cytometry acquires the full fluorescence spectrum, allowing ~25 channel detection with autofluorescence rejection. This can use conventional fluorescence-based antibodies, can analyze fluorescent protein reporters, and retains the speed of conventional flow analysis.

-Cytek spectral flow cytometers analyzers

            3-laser Aurora (405nm, 488nm, 640nm)

            5-laser Aurora (355nm, 405nm, 488nm, 561nm, 640nm)

-Advice with custom panel design


Need access?

Reserve an instrument (iLabs)


Multiplexed Ion beam Imaging- MIBI combines the multiplexing of rare-earth metal labels and time-of-flight detection, with scanning ion beam vaporization. Together, this technology enables highly multiplexed (up to 40 channel) imaging with sub-cellular (250nm) spatial resolution, detection of low abundance markers, and a large dynamic range.

-IONpath MIBIscope system (full service imaging)

-Sample preparation

-Custom antibody probe generation and validation

-Validated Diabetes specific probes (coming soon)

-Multiplexed imaging analysis (QC, segmentation, population analysis, spatial analysis).

-Consultation services

Request MIBI services

Richard Benninger, PhD




Rachel Friedman, PhD



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