High BMI Robotic Kidney Transplant Surgery Hero

High BMI Robotic Kidney Transplant Surgery

Almost 20% of patients in need of a lifesaving kidney transplant have obesity severe enough to have transplant surgery too dangerous to proceed with. Weight loss on dialysis is very difficult and often fails. In addition, the time it takes to lose weight incurs morbidity and worsens graph outcomes, as waiting time on dialysis is the strongest risk factor for a poor outcome for a transplant.

Over the last 15 years, new technologies specifically the Da Vinci Robot System, has the technical ability to operate on even the most obese patients. However the time and training to develop the expertise to become proficient is substantial and not every program has the resources to do this.

CU Transplant Center is now one of only 3 centers in the country with the proficiency and expertise to perform these extremely complicated surgeries. We are the only center west of the Mississippi with the capability to perform kidney transplantation in high BMI patients. We have an integrated approach involving transplant surgery, medicine and bariatrics to render this procedure safe and provide patients with the greatest chance to benefit from transplantation and live their most healthy lives.

We have no BMI cut-off, so no matter what your BMI, our team of surgeons can perform a kidney transplant and give you a better chance at a healthier and longer life. We work with each patient individually to create a treatment plan that will work best for their specific needs.

Each person meets with the robotic surgeon and nephrologist who is experienced in this type of surgery and transplanting obese patients. At CU Transplant you can be assured that each person will be a leader in this procedure. Many centers may insist may that you lose weight before the surgery, our philosophy is to transplant you first and encourage you to lose weight after the procedure. We believe this will maximize your ability to lose weight and give you the healthiest life.

For appointments call: 720-848-223 or visit https://www.uchealth.org/locations/uchealth-transplant-services-anschutz/


CU Anschutz

Academic Office One

12631 East 17th Avenue

Room: 6111

Aurora, CO 80045


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