Mentor: Suja Jagannathan
Project: Extracting RNA Binding Proteins' Footprints to Understand NMD
Mentor: Max Boeck
Project: The Effects of hda-1 Knockdown on RNA Transcripts During C. elegans Development
Mentor: Tania Reis
Project: Genetic Screen for Obesity-Causing RBPs in Drosophila
Mentor: Beth Tamburini
Project: Evaluating DUSP1 mRNA in Cancer Cells to Determine the Influence of PD-L1 and STAT3
Mentor: Linda van Dyk
Project: Gammaherpesvirus Non-Coding RNA iInteractions with Host RNA Binding Proteins and the Effect on Host Immune Response
Mentor: Jennifer Richer
Project: Evaluating the Role of miR-200c on NPC1 in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
Mentor: Neel Mukhergee
Project: mRNA Targeting Dynamics of ZFP36L2 during Human Steroidogenesis
Mentor: David Bentley
Project: The Effect of Transcription Speed on Splicing and Intron Retention
Mentor: Aaron Johnson
Project: Construction of a Cas-RX Fusion Protein to Target YTHDC1 to RNA Molecules​
Mentor: Traci Lyons
Project: Characterizing Semaphorin 7a Expression in Breast Cancer Cells
Mentor: Lori Sussel
Project: The Role of 6330403K07Rik in Glucose Homeostasis
Mentor: Tom Evans
Project: Spatiotemporal Expression Patterns of Novel ncRNAs in C. elegans
Mentor: Matt Taliaferro
Project: Terminal Deoxynucleotidyl Transferase Mediated Attachment of Modified Nucleotides to Unlabeled smFISH Probes
Mentor: Oliva Rissland
Project: Codon Optimality in Gene Expression
Mentor: Aaron Johnson
Project: Development of an In Vitro Chromatin Model for the Investigation of PIWIL4 Function