Graduate Courses

Fall Semester

MOLB 7950: Informatics and Statistics for Molecular Biology

A hands-on tutorial of skills and theory needed to process, analyze, and visualize output from large biological data sets. We emphasize command-line tools, Python programming, and the R statistical computing environment.
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Spring Semester

MOLB 7900: Practical Computational Biology for Biologists — Python

A computational biology class aimed at biology PhD students. Topics covered include basic practices for coding in R, analysis of standard high-throughput genomic data to study the regulation of gene expression, introduction to modeling gene expression, data visualization, and how to communicate computational analysis/results.
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MOLB 7910: Practical Computational Biology for Biologists — R/R Studio

A computational biology class aimed at biology PhD students. Topics covered include basic practices for coding in R, analysis of standard high-throughput genomic data to study the regulation of gene expression, introduction to modeling gene expression, data visualization, and how to communicate computational analysis/results.
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