RBI Informatics Fellows’ Office Hours

  Bash-ing your head?

  Python suffocating you?

  R you confused?

The RBI Informatics Fellows are here to help! Bring us broken scripts and software glitches.

Office Hours

The RBI Informatics fellows hold weekly RBI office hours over Zoom on Thursdays, see calendar below for available times. These office hours allow investigators across campus to ask questions about the design, execution, and analysis of RNA-related sequencing experiments. Please contact the fellows if a suitable time is not available, to schedule a meeting outside of listed office hours.

Schedule an Appointment

Please use the calendar below to schedule an appointment, be sure to provide a brief description of your question(s) so that we can pair you with the most suitable informatics fellow.


Questions? The RBI fellows can be reached at rbi.fellows@cuanschutz.edu.

Office hours are now hosted as remote consultations via Zoom.
Please schedule time with us using the Calendly app shown below.

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