Mentor: Craig Jordan; Maria Amaya
Project: The Effect of SF3B1 Dysregulation on Energy Metabolism in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
Mentor: Allison Porman Swain
Project: Investigating RME2 and IME4 in Candida albicans
Mentor: Matthew Taliaferro
Project: Understanding the Mechanisms of mRNA Localization in Mouse Neuronal Cell Lines
Mentor: Neel Mukherjee
Project: Localization of MSI2 in Human Adrenocortical Cells
Mentor: David Bentley
Project: Constructing Lentivirus Expression Vectors for Wild-type and Mutant Versions of the Conserved Transcription Elongation Factor Rtf1
Mentor: Olivia Rissland
Project: The Effect of 2A Sequences on Peptide Bond Formation in Giardia lamblia
Mentor: Aaron Johnson
Project: Investigating the Role of R-Loops in PRC2 Regulated Gene Silencing
Mentor: Beat Vogeli
Project: Investigating a Unique Role for Z-RNA Conformations in Cell Necroptosis and Viral Infection
Mentor: Traci Lyons
Project: CSTF2 and Polyadenylation
Mentor: Suja Jagannathan
Project: Elucidating the Role of DUX4-Induced Splicing Factor SRSF8 in SRSF3 Splicing
Mentor: Linda van Dyk
Project: Characterization of RNA-Mango as an RNA Tag for Isolation and Imaging of Viral ncRNAs