Get to Know: Dr. Andrea Nikolis
CU PM&R salutes our incoming Chief Residents
Zachary Noriega, MPA | Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation/CU School of Medicine Mar 20, 2024
CU PM&R is excited to introduce our new Chief Residents! Today we are spotlighting incoming Chief Resident Dr. Andrea Nikolis.
What made you want to pursue a career in Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation?
One of my initial draws to PM&R arose from my experience as a certified yoga instructor. This taught me the importance of the mind-body connection and to view patients from a holistic lens. A similar approach is essential in PM&R, as we focus not only on patients’ physical health but also on their psychological health, functional goals, and other personal and social factors that affect rehabilitation. I love that we use such a comprehensive approach to collaborate with other specialists and work closely with our patients during their rehab journey.
What made you want to choose CU PM&R for residency?
During my interview day at CU PM&R, I was so impressed with the culture. All the attendings I encountered were friendly, passionate, and supportive. The residents got along so well, and it seemed like a great environment to train in. Additionally, I loved how invested all of the faculty was in teaching and providing hands-on experiences to residents.
How would you describe your time as a resident at CU PM&R so far?
My time at CU PM&R so far has been extremely rewarding! I have felt challenged yet supported and have gained more confidence in what it means to be a physiatrist. Personally, I have also felt so welcomed by the CU faculty and my co-residents and truly feel like we are a family.
What are your goals as our new Chief Residents? What skills do you hope to develop as a chief resident?
My goals as chief resident are to streamline communication amongst my co-residents and leadership, advocate for my co-residents and their concerns, and maintain an engaged and collaborative residency culture. Additionally, one of my bigger academic goals is to improve mentorship for residents. As a chief resident, I hope to further develop my own leadership skills as an effective listener, communicator, and advocate within my CU community.
What are your goals after you complete residency at CU?
I am currently applying to Pain Medicine Fellowships and excited to see what the future holds!