Marissa D. Jamieson, Foot and Ankle Specialist, Instagram   Appointments:

Cherry Creek (720) 516-9445


Post-Operative Instructions

Please note - these instructions are general guidelines that should be followed for most patients; however, additional written and/or verbal instructions may be provided by Dr. Jamieson on a patient-specific basis depending on the surgery performed.

Your instructions will change based on the type of surgery you had and if you are allowed to bear weight through your foot/ankle after surgery.

Post-Operative Swelling

Post Injury Swelling

  • It is NORMAL to have increased swelling in the foot and ankle for up to 1 YEAR after surgery or severe injury
  • The foot is far from the heart and can take the veins in your leg time to clear post-operative swelling
  • In general, bigger surgeries with more incisions and with bone procedures have more swelling
  • A history of “leaky” or varicose veins or lymphedema make you at risk for increased swelling

How to treat/manage swelling

  • Elevation of your leg above the level of your heart for the first 2-3 months after surgery will help prevent swelling
  • Applying ice to your foot/ankle on a daily basis (even when you have no pain) helps reduce inflammation and swelling
  • Applying topical anti-inflammatories to your foot/ankle such as diclofenac (voltaren) and/or arnica gel on a daily basis (even when you have no pain) also helps reduce inflammation and swelling



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