Molecular and Cellular Analytic Core

About the MCA Core 

The overall aim of the Molecular and Cellular Analytical (MCA) core is to support the investigation of human and non-human metabolism from a cellular/molecular perspective. The core focuses on investigation in the following areas:

Lipidomics and Mass Spectrometry | GC/MS Analysis | 

Mitochondrial Respiration | Bioinformatic Analysis of RNAseq Data


Lipidomics and Mass Spectometry

GC/MS Analysis


Bioinformatic Analysis of RNAseq Data

Mitochondrial Function Sub Core - Mitochondrial Respiration

The Mitochondrial Function Sub Core of the MCA Core facilitates the comprehensive measurement of mitochondrial function and cellular bioenergetics for both academic and industry users by providing equipment for end users. Respirometry measurements may be performed on a host of biological samples including cultured/primary cells, permeabilized fibers or cells, and or isolated mitochondria.

Training and professional development in the use and understanding of the various respiration methodologies is provided. Basic training/consultation is routinely provided for use of the Seahorse XF96 Extracellular Flux Analyzer, and the BioTek Cytation instruments. More in depth training/consultation is provided for the Oroboros O2k, and Strathkelvin systems.

Mitochondrial Sub Core Equipment & Pricing

The following equipment is also available for study use on mitochondrial function if needed:

High speed refrigerated floor centrifuge | 2 bench top centrifuges | Microfuges | Mettler semi-micro balances | Dissecting microscope


MCA Core Contacts

Director: Bryan Bergman, PhD

Interim Associate Director: Dan Frank, PhD

Mitochondrial Sub Core: Matthew Jackman, PhD

Lipidomics and GS/MS Analysis: Karin Zemski-Berry, PhD

View the MCA Team

Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC)

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

12348 East Montview Boulevard

Aurora, CO 80045

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