The Colorado NORC's Enrichment Program (ENP) aims to promote research in obesity and nutrition on campus, foster the development of the next generation of scientists, and recruit new scientists to pursue research questions that are aligned with the NORC’s objectives.
The program achieves this through the following avenues:
The Enrichment Program sponsors several journal clubs every year that are typically held from September-June. Some of these journal clubs include FAT Chat, BAT Chat, Physical Activity Methods and Muscular Skeletal Working Group.
Two main events are held per year to foster collaboration and community - a summer workshop and a member retreat.
The CU NORC brings in guest speakers to campus to present in areas related to nutrition or obesity for a variety of seminars throughout the year in departments including Endocrinology, Nutrition and the Diabetes Research Center.
Every quarter, we publish a newsletter highlighting important updates and events from the NORC, NIH, CU and others.