Interested in Expanding Your Translational Work into Human Participant Research Focusing on Alcohol/Substance Misuse in Lung Diseases?

  • CoPARC is a FREE resource of human biospecimens and data for researchers.
  • Available participant groups include healthy individuals with alcohol misuse, cannabis use and controls
  • Biospecimens and data from patients with acute respiratory failure (with and without COVID-19), and burn injury are also available.
  • Researchers would:
    • Receive access to clinical and translational research support in the area of alcohol misuse
    • Receive access to a Biorepository of human participants’ specimens and data, including patients with COVID-19
    • Be able to focus on respiratory-or pulmonary-related diseases, with a consideration for investigations in other organ systems
    • Be able to conduct exploratory investigations related to other substances commonly consumed with alcohol, including tobacco and cannabis
Are you interested in utilizing CoPARC Samples and Data?
  1. Fill out our Sample and Data Request Form and email it to our CoPARC Director or our Biorepository Manager along with an updated Biosketch of the prinicipal investigator(s).
  2. Discuss your project's unique needs with CoPARC resource personnel.
  3. Your project will be reviewed by steering committee.
  4. CoPARC team will work with you to provide data, biospecimens, and other needed information in a timely manner (including support for IRB or contracting that may be required).

Click here to discover who distributes and directs CoPARC data and samples, the requirements for receiving data and samples, and the prioritization of data and sample distribution.

Are you interested in utilizing one of our Research Studios?

  • If you:
    • Haven't collaborated with CoPARC previously
    • Need support in designing, executing, or planning your project with available CoPARC resources including samples and data
    • Are early in your career or still a trainee
    • Don't have experience in human subjects research or with funding research

Please fill out the CoPARC Research Studio Form to receive feedback about your project. 

    Are you interested in learning more about the different types of samples we collect?
    • Click here to visit our research tab to learn more about all the different types of samples we collect, the types of samples we collect for our different participant groups (AUD, control, cannabis, respiratory failure, and burn injury), and to view past CoPARC collaborator research
    Are you interested in learning more about past researcher CoPARC utilization?
    • Click here to view samples that have been utilized, what they were utilized for, and what was measured by investigators
    Are you interested in becoming a CoPARC Research Member?
    • Become a member to receive access to exclusive seminars (register here for seminars), collaborate with other researchers, and get the chance to showcase your research at one of our forums
    Have any questions about CoPARC?
    • Contact us today to find out how we can help you!

    What is a CoPARC Research Studio?


    A CoPARC research studio is a 30-60 minute virtual meeting with the CoPARC team that allows individuals who:

    • Haven’t collaborated with CoPARC previously

    • Need support in designing, executing, or planning their project with available CoPARC resources including samples and data

    • Are early in their career or still a trainee

    • Don’t have experience in human subjects research or with funding research


    To obtain feedback about their project, help expedite their requests for evaluation and approval, and to be introduced to potential collaborators with expertise tailored to their research.


    CoPARC Research Studio Form

    Are you interested in:

    • Receiving access to an exclusive seminar series related to alcohol research
    • Gaining various collaboration opportunities with other researchers
    • Expanding knowledge about the field of alcohol
    • The possibility of being able to present your alcohol-based research at specific forums for feedback by field experts

    Become a CoPARC Research Member Today!

    Are you a CoPARC Research Member and want to register for one our seminars?

    • As a CoPARC Research member you receive access to an exclusive seminar series (3 seminars) to hear senior-level researchers discuss different pulmonary-related research topics throughout 2024 and 2025
    • To view our first virtual CoPARC Seminar Series click here .The passcode to watch the meeting is: T4#UEbAf 
    • To view our second virtual CoPARC Seminar Series Click here. The passcode to watch the meeting is:  1zJ+wl.2
    • To receive the zoom link and to ensure accurate attendance, we ask that members fill out a registration form each time there is a seminar series to receive access:

    Registration form

    Third CoPARC Seminar for Members

    * Be sure to register for the seminar to receive the seminar link

    • When: Thursday April 24th 
    • Time: TBD
    • Presenter/Topic: TBD


    Alcohol and Immunology Research Interest Group (AIRIG) Satellite Session at the 2025 Research Society on Alcoholism Meeting 

    *No registration fee. Please RSVP to by May 1st, 2025

    *For more information please visit this website

    • When: Saturday, June 21st
    • Where: Hyatt Regency New Orleans
    • Time: 1 p.m.- 5 p.m.
    • Topics/Presenters: 
      • J. Mark Brown PhD, Cleveland Clinic, The Role of Gut Microbe-Derived Metabolites in Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease 
      • Summer Thompson PhD, Univ Maryland, Dueling roles for the microbiota in alcohol consumption and reward
      • Vijay Singh MD, Mayo Clinic Arizona, Immune paralysis from amphipathic liponecrosis and its relation to alcohol
      • Pranoti Mandrekar PhD, Univ Mass Med School, Myeloid TLR4 independent mechanisms in alcohol associated liver and adipose inflammation. 
      • Additional short talks from junior scientists
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