CCPM joins Global Biobank Initiative
Jan 26, 2021
Like most things in genetics, our work is done in partnership with many other groups across the country, or, indeed, around the world. Often this results in much more powerful analyses than we can do on our own and importantly, we have methods to collaborate securely and preserve privacy.
One project that has been particularly exciting is to partner up with other institutions building similar efforts to the biobank at the Colorado Center for Personalized Medicine, called the Global Biobank Meta-analysis Initiative. Our initial effort will be to look at genetic associations across sixteen conditions within pulmonary, cardiovascular, metabolic, infection, and cancer domains.
We look forward to being able to contribute alongside many of our colleagues and will continue to update you on the progress of this initiative. As always, this work could not happen without your consent and contributions to medical research, so thank you to all who have consented to participate.