The 2000 A. R. Martin Lecture

Department of Physiology and Biophysics
University of Colorado School of Medicine

The 6th Annual A. R. Martin Lecture was presented by

Dr. Mark Konishi

California Institute of Technology

  • A.R. Martin Lecture: "How the owl tracks its prey"
  • Departmental Research Seminar: "Neurobiology of Birdsong"

Four graduate students and postdocs presented their work at a Minisymposium. Pictured below, left to right:

  • Dr. Mary Womack, Postdoctoral Fellow ("Calcium-activated potassium channels regulate excitability of cerebellar Purkinje neurons")
  • Dr. Robin Cloues, Postdoctoral Fellow ("Participation of calcium channels in spontaneous firing in the rat suprachiasmatic nucleus")
  • Farzin Imani, Predoctoral Fellow ("Inositol 1,4,5-triposphate-evoked responses in midbrain dopamine neurons")
  • Dr. Ambarish Ghatpande, Postdoctoral Fellow ("Designing molecular barbells: Potent blockers of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels")


Mini-symposium presenters


Bob Martin at the reception

Bob Martin at the 2000 reception

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