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Research Pricing

CU Weight Management and Wellness Clinic


AHWC Clinic Research Support Application


AHWC Research Pricing
Effective 7/1/24 - 6/30/251
  NIH, Federal, Foundation and Association Funded Studies, and Investigator-Initiated StudiesIndustry-Funded Studies
CU AHWC Clinic - Services  With AHWC PersonnelWith Research PersonnelWith AHWC PersonnelWith Research Personnel
Blood Draw$18.82$6.48$46.91$28.90
H&P (per 15 mins)n/an/a$132.50n/a
Nutrition Counseling$80.00n/a$125.00n/a
Urine Collection$10.60$4.96$21.20$10.60
Urine Pregnancy Test w/ Collection$13.78$6.00$31.80$15.90
Vitals - May include any of the following: Ht, Wt, BP, Pulse, Resp, Temp, O2 Sat$13.78n/a$15.90n/a

1Please budget for an approximate price increase of 6% each year of study progression.  All services are provided as fee-for-service resources. Only IRB-approved protocols can request AHWC Clinic services.  Pricing is updated annually in July. However, the AHWC can adjust prices at any time, as needed. 

  NIH, Federal, Foundation and Association Funded Studies, and Investigator-Initiated StudiesIndustry-Funded Studies
CU AHWC Clinic - Room Rates With AHWC PersonnelWith Research PersonnelWith AHWC PersonnelWith Research Personnel
Outpatient Exam Room (up to 30 min, single participant)*n/an/a$30.00$47.00
Outpatient Exam Room (31-60 min, single participant)*
Outpatient Exam Room (61-120 min, single participant)**n/an/a$90.00$118.00
Patient gowns

$1.25 each (regular)

$1.35 each (XL)

$1.25 each (regular)

$1.35 each (XL)

$1.25 each (regular)

$1.35 each (XL)

$1.25 each (regular)

$1.35 each (XL)

*room only; supplies and services are additional charges

**for visits longer than 120 minutes or use of single exam room by multiple participants, please contact AHWC Clinic to discuss block rates


For additional information, please contact:

Victoria Catennaci, MD


AHWC Fitness Research Support Application

Effective 8/1/24 - 6/30/25
Fitness Center 

NIH, Federal, Foundation and Association Funded Studies, and Investigator-Initiated Studies

Industry-Funded Studies
Enrollment Fee (per participant, all access levels)$59.00$59.00
Full Access$70.80$70.80
Day Pass$20.00$20.00
Membership Change Fee5$10.00$10.00
5 Any changes to individual research memberships during the lifetime of the membership, including membership type changes and membership holds (one-time fee only; not monthly throughout the hold).


CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

12348 East Montview Boulevard

Aurora, CO 80045

Fitness Center: 303-724-WELL (9355)

Clinic: 303-724-9030

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