I am a Professor of Pediatrics and Medicine, and I will serve as the Associate Director of the Colorado Nutrition Obesity Research Center (NORC). I have a well-funded research program, and I have extensive leadership experience in NIH-funded NORC and DRC P30 programs. At the University of Michigan, I was Director of the Animal Studies Core and was on the T32 Advisory Committee for the DRC, and was Associate Director of the Pilot and Feasibility Program for the NORC. When transitioning my lab to CU-AMC, I joined the internal executive committee’s for both the NORC and DRC. Thus, I have been entrenched in NIH-funded NORC and DRC leadership for the last 8 years. In addition, I have extensive leadership in DEI efforts. I was co-founder and inaugural co-chair of the Women’s Interprofessional Network of ADA and am founder and director of the Women Inspiring and Elevating Leadership in Diabetes advocacy group. Lastly, I have NIH-funding focused on supporting mentoring and recruitment of minoritized fellows to obesity research. Given my wealth of research and leadership experience and with my 4 years serving as on the executive committee for the NORC at CU-AMC, I am ideally suited to work with Drs. MacLean and Bessesen as Associate Director of the Colorado NORC and help Dr. Melanson oversee the NORC’s enrichment program.