My role in this P30 NORC application is Director of the Clinical Intervention and Translations (CIT) Core. I am a Professor and Vice Chair for Research in the Department of Medicine and MPI and Director of Operations for the Colorado CTSA, the Colorado Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute (CCTSI). As Director of the CIT Core for this application, I will be responsible for operational oversight of all CIT Core activities and coordination and integration of CIT with NORC leadership and other Cores. I will ensure that staff and resource utilization are being used efficiently to achieve the goals of each Specific Aim in this application.
I have over 20 years’ experience in pre-clinical and clinical research including the design and delivery of dietary intervention studies for single- and multi-center trials. I have conducted numerous metabolic and dietary intervention studies as a co-investigator or PI. My research focus on carbohydrate quality and energy balance has driven collaboration with faculty at my institution and beyond (USA and globally) to investigate: methods to increase the accuracy and reliability of dietary intake measurement; the metabolic effects of resistant starch consumption; the metabolic effects of sleep restriction and circadian misalignment; amelioration of weigh regain after weight loss; and treatment of Type 2 diabetes in pediatric populations. I have developed SOPs and MOPs and led NIH multi-center study national trainings in dietary measurement for the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study and Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). Through this work and my own research developing novel methods to measure dietary intake in free living populations over the last 17 years, I have designed and implemented complex dietary interventions, measured dietary intake using both novel and traditional tools, assessed dietary intervention compliance, and understand the complexities of dietary data analysis that are necessary to successfully direct the CIT Core.
I have extensive experience in leadership roles with NIH-funded consortia and multi-center studies (currently U01 DK61242, 1UL1 TR002535, OT2HL161847-01, P30 DK048520-26, 5 R01 DK100796, R01 DK122473-01A1). For the Treatment Options for Type 2 Diabetes in Adolescents and Youth (TODAY) study, I acted as Chair of the Ancillary Studies Committee (2013 – 2017), Chair of the Publications and Presentations Committee (2017 – 2023), and was a member of the TODAY Recruitment and Retention Committee. I also designed and led NIH multi-center study national trainings in dietary and physical activity measurements for the TODAY study and Study to Explore Early Development (SEED). These roles demonstrate my strong leadership skills, ability to work with diverse collaborators and participant populations, and experience with NIH-funded consortia to successfully complete the work described in this NORC P30 application.