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CHA/PA Styles

How to Apply

PA student in a white coat shaking hands with the program director

The 2024-25 admission cycle is closed.

The 2025-26 admissions cycle will open late Spring 2025. The deadline for the CASPA and supplemental applications is September 1. The CASPA application needs to be complete (not verified) by September 1 to meet the deadline. CHA/PA has rolling admissions.

Required Materials for a complete CHA/PA Program Application

1. Verified CASPA application including three letters of recommendation.

2. CHA/PA Program supplemental application and a nonrefundable $55 supplemental application fee. You must submit your CASPA application before you can access the supplemental application. An email with set-up instructions will be sent to you within 1 business day. The supplemental application for the 2025-26 admission cycle will be available mid-May 2025.

 3. CASPer is required for all applicants. CASPer is an online, video-scenario based, situational judgement test that assesses non-cognitive attributes. Results are valid for one admissions cycle. CASPer dates are posted each year on the CASPer website in mid-March.

* Neither the GRE nor the PA-CAT is required.
* We only review your CASPer score. We do not require or review the CASPer Snapshot. 

Please be sure to make the following e-mail addresses safe to receive in your e-mail account:,,, and You should also check your Spam or Junk mail folders periodically to be sure that e-mails from CHA/PA and CASPA are received.

Child Health Associate/Physician Assistant Program (CHA/PA)

CU Anschutz

Fitzsimons Building

13001 East 17th Place

Room E7019

Mail Stop F543

Aurora, CO 80045

(303) 724-7963

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