Skin Immunofluorescence Lab

Things To Remember:

  • Label the vial properly
  • Fill form out completely. All IF Specimens must be submitted on CU Dermpath Requisitions located on this site.
  • Tighten vial lid
  • Do not place biopsy in Formalin. If specimen is received in formalin, it will be returned to the submitting office.
  • Biopsies in saline must be processed within 48 hours
  • This is a "Skin Immunofluorescence Laboratory". Specimens should be from the skin or the anterior oropharynx only. We do not perform testing on the conjunctiva of the eye, lung, kidney, or gastrointestinal/aerodigestive specimens.
  • Turnaround Times:

    Samples are usually processed and completed processed within one to three business days after receipt. Typically, you will receive a report one to three business days after the lab receives your sample.

    Transport Medium:

    We will supply you with saline. Simply call the office to place your order. This media should remain at room temperature. A biopsy accidentally placed in formalin, if only for a few seconds, will be unusable for IF and under no circumstances will a biopsy be processed. Please keep this in mind before sending a sample accidentally placed in formalin, as it could read falsely negative. Please note: All samples placed in saline MUST BE processed within 48 hours. If the 48 hour timeline cannot be accomodated, the specimen must be refrigerated until it can be submitted to the lab.

    Taking the Biopsy:

    A punch biopsy is preferred (3-4 mm); however, shave and excision biopsies are also acceptable for processing. Biopsies for immunobullous diseases are best if taken from non-lesional skin that is 1 to 2 cm away from a lesion. Make sure the biopsy is fully immersed in saline before tightening the vial lid. The biopsy should be kept at room temperature until it reaches the laboratory.

    Shipping Instructions:

    You can send your samples via USPS mail or overnight delivery. Please ensure the lid or stopper is tightened and then place in a biohazard bag. It is of the utmost importance that the lid on the vial or stopper on the tube is tightened before being shipped. Include the completed requisition form making sure it is in a separate area of the biohazard bag. Please get the biopsy to our lab within 48 hours of placing in saline.

    Courier Instructions:

    If the sample is to be delivered by courier, it is not necessary to package in anything but a biohazard bag. The courier should take the sample to Suite 160 in BioScience One. The samples should not be left anywhere else.

    Requisition Forms:

    The IF requisition form provided must be utilized for submit IF biopsies.  Click Here to Download the PDF Requisition Form. It is essential that the doctor's name, clinic address, fax number, and patient name be provided on every requisition form submitted. Please clearly mark if the patient has any infectious diseases, especially TB, Hep B, Hep C and HIV. *Multiple sites require separate requisitions* 

    Department of Dermatology

    CU Anschutz

    Research and Administration - CU Anschutz Research I South

    12801 East 17th Avenue, Suite 4120

    Mailstop 8127

    Aurora, CO 80045

    Phone: 303-724-4030
    Fax: 303-724-4048

    CU Anschutz

    Anschutz Clinic - University of Colorado Hospital Anschutz Cancer Pavilion

    1665 Aurora Court, 3rd Floor

    Mailstop F703

    Aurora, CO 80045

    Phone: 720-848-0500
    Fax: 720-848-0529

    CU Anschutz

    CU Medicine Building

    13199 East Montview Boulevard

    Suite 300

    Aurora, CO 80045

    Phone: 303-315-5085
    Fax: 303-315-5080

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