Intersection of Mental and Physical Health

Did you know that twice as many women than men suffer from depression? 


Women experience higher rates of mental illness than men do, and there are significant links between mental health and physical health — each impacts the other. Depression raises the risk for diabetes, and people with diabetes are more likely to become depressed, due partly to the complexities of managing this chronic disease.

The intersection of mental health and physical health is the newest research area for the Ludeman Center. Already the work of our researchers is addressing critical needs, like how to help manage the anxiety that women with certain types of heart disease often experience. The early-life biological origins of depression is also being investigated to better inform diagnoses, treatment approaches and perhaps even a cure.

The Ludeman Center Researchers

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Ludeman Family Center for Women's Health Research

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

12348 East Montview Boulevard

Mail Stop C-263

Aurora, CO 80045


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