Community Leadership

Community Advisory Board

The board includes prominent members of the Denver area community who represent diverse aspects of the business and civic sectors. Their extensive networks and business expertise help to inform and shape the Ludeman Center’s outreach, educational and development efforts.

Mary Noonan, Advisory Board Chair 

Mary Noonan DEcember 2016



Patti Klinge, Advisory Board Chair Elect

Current Advisory Board Members

Equity Shareholder, Robinson Waters & O'Dorisio

Margaret Bathgate 

Community Volunteer

Kate Brown

Founder and President, Boulder Organic Foods, LLC

Director of Operations, Faith Lutheran Church

Cathy Hollis

Community volunteer


Partner, Cooley

Katie Macwilliams

CFO, Caridian BCT, retired


Community Volunteer

Betsy Wagner_photo 

Community Volunteer

Chairs Emeriti

Toni Cohig
Community Volunteer

Community Volunteer

Betsy Mangone
Community Volunteer; President of Mangone & Company

Communications Executive, retired; Community Volunteer

Mary Sissel
Community Volunteer

Mary Stuart
Husch Blackwell, Partner, retired

Judi Wagner
CoBiz Investment Management, Vice-Chair, retired

Stay Connected


Ludeman Family Center for Women's Health Research

CU Anschutz Health and Wellness Center

12348 East Montview Boulevard

Mail Stop C-263

Aurora, CO 80045


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